Kaynağa Gözat

LAAT Radar adjustment

Erliens 4 yıl önce
23 değiştirilmiş dosya ile 4572 ekleme ve 18 silme
  1. 1 1
      addons - Copy/RD501_Droid_Dispenser/XEH_postInit.sqf
  2. 1 1
      addons - Copy/RD501_Droid_Dispenser/functions/fnc_droidDispenserPFH.sqf
  3. 2 2
      addons - Copy/RD501_Droids/droid_macros.hpp
  4. BIN
      addons - Copy/RD501_Helmets/_textures/ARC/Deva.paa
  5. BIN
      addons - Copy/RD501_Helmets/_textures/ARC/Nightingale.paa
  6. BIN
      addons - Copy/RD501_Helmets/_textures/Airborne/Duck.paa
  7. BIN
      addons - Copy/RD501_Helmets/_textures/Infantry/Swanny.paa
  8. BIN
      addons - Copy/RD501_Helmets/_textures/Infantry/Waylander.paa
  9. BIN
      addons - Copy/RD501_Helmets/_textures/Infantry/Young.paa
  10. 1 0
      addons - Copy/RD501_Helmets/airborne/config.cpp
  11. 3 0
      addons - Copy/RD501_Helmets/infantry/config.cpp
  12. 84 0
      addons - Copy/RD501_Units/blufor/clones/config.cpp
  13. BIN
      addons - Copy/RD501_Units/textures/Republic/clones/AB/acc/ab_medic_vt_acc.paa
  14. BIN
      addons - Copy/RD501_Units/textures/Republic/clones/AB/acc/ab_rto_vt_acc.paa
  15. BIN
      addons - Copy/RD501_Units/textures/Republic/clones/AB/acc/ab_trooper_vt_acc.paa
  16. 2 4
      addons - Copy/RD501_Vehicle_Weapons/aircraft/generic/aircraft_laser_gun.hpp
  17. 56 1
      addons - Copy/RD501_Vehicles/air/LAAT/common_stuff_tcw.hpp
  18. 1 2
      addons - Copy/RD501_Vehicles/air/LAAT/config.cpp
  19. 2 0
      addons - Copy/RD501_Vehicles/air/LAAT/inheritance.hpp
  20. 4395 0
      addons - Copy/RD501_Vehicles/common/helicopter_mfd.hpp
  21. 4 4
      addons - Copy/RD501_Vehicles/land/GAT/config.cpp
  22. 17 2
      addons - Copy/RD501_Vehicles/land/dwarf_spider_droid/config.cpp
  23. 3 1
      addons - Copy/RD501_Weapons/_ammo/config.cpp

+ 1 - 1
addons - Copy/RD501_Droid_Dispenser/XEH_postInit.sqf

@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ GVAR(droidDispenserPossibleUnitsGlobal) = [
 // Orbital Dispenser Module Specific
 //The object to spawn for orbital missions, Is copied so will only effect new dispensers.
-GVAR(spawnerDefaultObject) = "Land_Cargo_House_V1_F";
+GVAR(spawnerDefaultObject) = "3as_droid_container";
 // The time to delay spawning the dispenser object for orbital missions
 GVAR(fireSupportSpawnDelay) = 8;

+ 1 - 1
addons - Copy/RD501_Droid_Dispenser/functions/fnc_droidDispenserPFH.sqf

@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ if(_aliveUnits < _target getVariable QGVAR(maxUnits)) exitWith
 		_group = group _unit;
 		_group setBehaviour "SAFE";
 		_group1 setCombatMode "RED";
-		_unit commandMove (_unit getPos [25, 0]);
+		_unit commandMove (_unit getPos [5, 0]);
 			_x addCuratorEditableObjects [[_unit], true];
 		} forEach allCurators;

+ 2 - 2
addons - Copy/RD501_Droids/droid_macros.hpp

@@ -48,8 +48,8 @@
 #define macro_grenade_launcher_mag "RD501_UGL_HE_x6_mag"
 #define macro_grenade_launcher_mags _8(macro_grenade_launcher_mag)
-#define macro_thermal_det "swop_termDetDT_G"
-#define macro_thermal_imp "SWOP_BCCKtermimploder_G"
+#define macro_thermal_det "442_thermal_det_mag"
+#define macro_thermal_imp "442_thermal_det_mag"
 #define macro_smoke "swop_SmokeShell"
 #define macro_flashbang "swop_mag_flashbang"
 #define macro_dioxis_grenade "SWOP_SCAR_DioxisGM"

addons - Copy/RD501_Helmets/_textures/ARC/Deva.paa

addons - Copy/RD501_Helmets/_textures/ARC/Nightingale.paa

addons - Copy/RD501_Helmets/_textures/Airborne/Duck.paa

addons - Copy/RD501_Helmets/_textures/Infantry/Swanny.paa

addons - Copy/RD501_Helmets/_textures/Infantry/Waylander.paa

addons - Copy/RD501_Helmets/_textures/Infantry/Young.paa

+ 1 - 0
addons - Copy/RD501_Helmets/airborne/config.cpp

@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ class CfgWeapons
+	NEW_501_AB_HELM_JLTS(501st_Duck_helmet,Duck,Duck.paa)

+ 3 - 0
addons - Copy/RD501_Helmets/infantry/config.cpp

@@ -159,6 +159,8 @@ class CfgWeapons
+	NEW_501_Inf_Helm_JLTS(Waylander,Waylander,Waylander.paa)
+	NEW_501_Inf_Helm_JLTS(Young,Young,Young.paa)
@@ -178,4 +180,5 @@ class CfgWeapons
+	NEW_501_ARC_Helm_JLTS(Deva,Deva,Deva.paa)

+ 84 - 0
addons - Copy/RD501_Units/blufor/clones/config.cpp

@@ -678,6 +678,90 @@ class macro_new_vest_class(501_inf,acc_1_c_rto): macro_new_vest_class(501_inf,ac
+	class macro_new_vest_class(501_ab,acc_2_1): macro_new_vest_class(501_inf,acc_9)
+	{
+		displayName = "[501st] AB ACC 02 (Vt. Trooper)";
+		picture = "\MRC\JLTS\characters\CloneArmor\data\ui\CloneVestHeavy_ui_ca.paa";
+		model="\MRC\JLTS\characters\CloneArmor\CloneVestAirborne.p3d";
+		hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo1","Camo2"};
+		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {TEXTUREPATH\Republic\clones\ab\acc\ab_sgt_acc.paa, TEXTUREPATH\Republic\clones\ab\acc\ab_trooper_vt_acc.paa};
+		hiddenSelectionsMaterials[]=
+		{
+			"RD501_Units\textures\Republic\clones\mats\clone_vest_officer.rvmat",
+			""
+		};
+		class ItemInfo: ItemInfo
+		{
+			uniformModel = "\MRC\JLTS\characters\CloneArmor\CloneVestAirborne.p3d";
+			containerClass="Supply100";
+			hiddenSelections[]=
+			{
+				"camo1",
+				"camo2"
+			};
+			hiddenSelectionsMaterials[]=
+			{
+				"RD501_Units\textures\Republic\clones\mats\clone_vest_officer.rvmat",
+				""
+			};
+		};
+	};
+	class macro_new_vest_class(501_ab,acc_2_2): macro_new_vest_class(501_inf,acc_9)
+	{
+		displayName = "[501st] AB RTO ACC 02 (Vt. Trooper)";
+		picture = "\MRC\JLTS\characters\CloneArmor\data\ui\CloneVestHeavy_ui_ca.paa";
+		model="\MRC\JLTS\characters\CloneArmor\CloneVestAirborne.p3d";
+		hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo1","Camo2"};
+		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {TEXTUREPATH\Republic\clones\ab\acc\ab_sgt_acc.paa, TEXTUREPATH\Republic\clones\ab\acc\ab_rto_vt_acc.paa};
+		hiddenSelectionsMaterials[]=
+		{
+			"RD501_Units\textures\Republic\clones\mats\clone_vest_officer.rvmat",
+			""
+		};
+		class ItemInfo: ItemInfo
+		{
+			uniformModel = "\MRC\JLTS\characters\CloneArmor\CloneVestAirborne.p3d";
+			containerClass="Supply100";
+			hiddenSelections[]=
+			{
+				"camo1",
+				"camo2"
+			};
+			hiddenSelectionsMaterials[]=
+			{
+				"RD501_Units\textures\Republic\clones\mats\clone_vest_officer.rvmat",
+				""
+			};
+		};
+	};
+	class macro_new_vest_class(501_ab,acc_2_3): macro_new_vest_class(501_inf,acc_9)
+	{
+		displayName = "[501st] AB MED ACC 02 (Vt. Trooper)";
+		picture = "\MRC\JLTS\characters\CloneArmor\data\ui\CloneVestHeavy_ui_ca.paa";
+		model="\MRC\JLTS\characters\CloneArmor\CloneVestAirborne.p3d";
+		hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo1","Camo2"};
+		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {TEXTUREPATH\Republic\clones\ab\acc\ab_sgt_acc.paa, TEXTUREPATH\Republic\clones\ab\acc\ab_medic_vt_acc.paa};
+		hiddenSelectionsMaterials[]=
+		{
+			"RD501_Units\textures\Republic\clones\mats\clone_vest_officer.rvmat",
+			""
+		};
+		class ItemInfo: ItemInfo
+		{
+			uniformModel = "\MRC\JLTS\characters\CloneArmor\CloneVestAirborne.p3d";
+			containerClass="Supply100";
+			hiddenSelections[]=
+			{
+				"camo1",
+				"camo2"
+			};
+			hiddenSelectionsMaterials[]=
+			{
+				"RD501_Units\textures\Republic\clones\mats\clone_vest_officer.rvmat",
+				""
+			};
+		};
+	};
 	class macro_new_vest_class(501_ab,acc_3): macro_new_vest_class(501_inf,acc_9)
 		displayName = "[501st] AB ACC 03 (Corporal)";

addons - Copy/RD501_Units/textures/Republic/clones/AB/acc/ab_medic_vt_acc.paa

addons - Copy/RD501_Units/textures/Republic/clones/AB/acc/ab_rto_vt_acc.paa

addons - Copy/RD501_Units/textures/Republic/clones/AB/acc/ab_trooper_vt_acc.paa

+ 2 - 4
addons - Copy/RD501_Vehicle_Weapons/aircraft/generic/aircraft_laser_gun.hpp

@@ -5,12 +5,11 @@
 		displayName = "Aircraft Laser Gun";
 		//magazines[] = {"10000Rnd_RD501_RED_AircraftGun_Mag"};
 		modes[] = {"LowROF"};
-		canLock = 1;//changed from tri
-		//multiplier=1;
+		canLock=0;
+		ballisticsComputer=4;
 		weaponLockSystem = 0;//changed
 		magazines[] = {macro_new_mag(generic_aircraft_gun,1000)};
-		ballisticsComputer = 4;
 		class LowROF: LowROF
 			displayName="Aircraft Laser Cannon";
@@ -105,7 +104,6 @@
-			ballisticsComputer = 4;

+ 56 - 1
addons - Copy/RD501_Vehicles/air/LAAT/common_stuff_tcw.hpp

@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ class EventHandlers : DefaultEventhandlers
 	init = "[_this select 0] execVM 'RD501_Main\functions\autocrate\autocrate.sqf';";
+#include "../../common/helicopter_mfd.hpp"
 forceInGarage = 1;
@@ -61,7 +63,60 @@ class ViewPilot: ViewPilot
 	initAngleX = 0;
+class Components: Components
+		{
+			class SensorsManagerComponent
+			{
+				class Components
+				{
+					class IRSensorComponent: SensorTemplateIR
+					{
+						class AirTarget
+						{
+							minRange=500;
+							maxRange=4000;
+							objectDistanceLimitCoef=-1;
+							viewDistanceLimitCoef=1;
+						};
+						class GroundTarget
+						{
+							minRange=500;
+							maxRange=3500;
+							objectDistanceLimitCoef=1;
+							viewDistanceLimitCoef=1;
+						};
+						typeRecognitionDistance=7500;
+						maxTrackableSpeed=600;
+						angleRangeHorizontal=60;
+						angleRangeVertical=40;
+						animDirection="mainGun";
+						aimDown=-0.5;
+					};
+					class ActiveRadarSensorComponent: SensorTemplateActiveRadar
+					{
+						class AirTarget
+						{
+							minRange=10000;
+							maxRange=10000;
+							objectDistanceLimitCoef=-1;
+							viewDistanceLimitCoef=-1;
+						};
+						class GroundTarget
+						{
+							minRange=7000;
+							maxRange=7000;
+							objectDistanceLimitCoef=-1;
+							viewDistanceLimitCoef=-1;
+						};
+						typeRecognitionDistance=16000;
+						angleRangeHorizontal=360;
+						angleRangeVertical=180;
+						aimDown=0;
+						maxTrackableSpeed=1388.89;
+					};
+				};
+			};
+		};
 class TransportWeapons

+ 1 - 2
addons - Copy/RD501_Vehicles/air/LAAT/config.cpp

@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ class CfgPatches
+#include "../../common/sensor_templates.hpp"
 class DefaultEventhandlers; 
 class CfgVehicles
@@ -81,7 +81,6 @@ class CfgVehicles
 		displayName="LAAT/I MK.I";
 		#include "common_stuff_tcw.hpp"
 		RD501_magclamp_small_1[] = {0.0,1.0,-1.0};
 		class UserActions: UserActions

+ 2 - 0
addons - Copy/RD501_Vehicles/air/LAAT/inheritance.hpp

@@ -3,10 +3,12 @@ class B_Heli_Attack_01_base_F: Heli_Attack_01_base_F
 	class Turrets;
 	class ViewPilot;
+	class Components;
 class 3as_laat_Base: B_Heli_Attack_01_base_F
 	class UserActions;
+	class Components:Components{};
 	class Turrets: Turrets
 		class Copilot;

+ 4395 - 0
addons - Copy/RD501_Vehicles/common/helicopter_mfd.hpp

@@ -0,0 +1,4395 @@
+class MFD
+		{
+			class AirplaneHUD
+			{
+				topLeft="HUD_top_left";
+				topRight="HUD_top_right";
+				bottomLeft="HUD_bottom_left";
+				borderLeft=0;
+				borderRight=0;
+				borderTop=0;
+				borderBottom=0;
+				color[]={0.15000001,1,0.15000001,1};
+				helmetMountedDisplay=1;
+				helmetPosition[]={-0.037500001,0.037500001,0.1};
+				helmetRight[]={0.075000003,0,0};
+				helmetDown[]={0,-0.075000003,0};
+				font="LucidaConsoleB";
+				turret[]={-2};
+				class Bones
+				{
+					class HUDCenter
+					{
+						type="fixed";
+						pos[]={0.5,0.5};
+					};
+					class HorizonBankSource
+					{
+						type="rotational";
+						source="HorizonBank";
+						center[]={0.5,0.5};
+						min=-6.2831001;
+						max=6.2831001;
+						minAngle=-360;
+						maxAngle=360;
+					};
+					class HorizonDiveSource
+					{
+						source="horizonDive";
+						type="linear";
+						min=-1;
+						max=1;
+						minPos[]={0.5,2.5};
+						maxPos[]={0.5,-1.5};
+					};
+					class VelocityVector
+					{
+						type="vector";
+						source="velocityToView";
+						pos0[]={0.5,0.5};
+						pos10[]={0.73400003,0.73000002};
+					};
+					class ForwardVector
+					{
+						type="vector";
+						source="forward";
+						pos0[]={0,0};
+						pos10[]={0.234,0.23};
+					};
+					/*class GunnerAim
+					{
+						type="vector";
+						source="turret";
+						pos0[]={0,-0.60000002};
+						pos10[]={0.0068000001,-0.012};
+						projection=0;
+					};*/
+					class WeaponAim
+					{
+						type="vector";
+						source="weaponToView";
+						pos0[]={0.5,0.5};
+						pos10[]={0.73400003,0.73000002};
+					};
+					class SliderDiveSource
+					{
+						type="linear";
+						source="horizonDive";
+						min="RAD(-10)";
+						max="RAD(10)";
+						minPos[]={0.105,0.38};
+						maxPos[]={0.105,0.54000002};
+					};
+					class SliderDiveSource30: SliderDiveSource
+					{
+						min="RAD(10)";
+						max="RAD(30)";
+						minPos[]={0,-0.039999999};
+						maxPos[]=
+						{
+							0,
+							"0)"
+						};
+					};
+					class SliderDiveSource90: SliderDiveSource30
+					{
+						min="RAD(30)";
+						max="RAD(90)";
+						minPos[]={0,-0.039999999};
+					};
+					class SliderDiveSource30m: SliderDiveSource
+					{
+						min="RAD(-30)";
+						max="RAD(-10)";
+						minPos[]={0,0};
+						maxPos[]={0,0.039999999};
+					};
+					class SliderDiveSource90m: SliderDiveSource30m
+					{
+						min="RAD(-90)";
+						max="RAD(-30)";
+						maxPos[]={0,0.039999999};
+					};
+					class SliderAltitudeSource
+					{
+						type="linear";
+						source="altitudeAGL";
+						sourceOffset=-3;
+						min=0;
+						max=1000;
+						minPos[]={0.88499999,0.2};
+						maxPos[]={0.88499999,0.375};
+					};
+					class GForceSource
+					{
+						type="linear";
+						source="gmeter";
+						sourceScale=0.15000001;
+						min=-1;
+						max=3;
+						minPos[]={0.105,0.69999999};
+						maxPos[]={0.105,0.86000001};
+					};
+					class SliderVSpeedSource
+					{
+						type="linear";
+						source="vspeed";
+						min=-15;
+						max=15;
+						minPos[]={0.79500002,0.60000002};
+						maxPos[]={0.79500002,0.83999997};
+					};
+					class ImpactPoint
+					{
+						type="vector";
+						source="ImpactPointToView";
+						pos0[]={0.5,0.5};
+						pos10[]={0.73400003,0.73000002};
+					};
+					class ImpactPointRockets
+					{
+						type="vector";
+						source="ImpactPointToView";
+						pos0[]={0.5,0.52499998};
+						pos10[]={0.73400003,0.755};
+					};
+					class WPPoint
+					{
+						type="vector";
+						source="WPPointToView";
+						pos0[]={0.5,0.5};
+						pos10[]={0.73400003,0.73000002};
+					};
+					class rtdRPM1
+					{
+						type="linear";
+						source="rtdrpm1";
+						min=0.1;
+						max=1;
+						minPos[]={0,-0.75999999};
+						maxPos[]={0,0};
+					};
+					class rtdRPM2: rtdRPM1
+					{
+						source="rtdrpm2";
+					};
+					class Limit0109
+					{
+						type="limit";
+						limits[]={0.1,0.1,0.89999998,0.89999998};
+					};
+					class Target
+					{
+						source="targettoview";
+						type="vector";
+						pos0[]={0.5,0.5};
+						pos10[]={0.73400003,0.73000002};
+					};
+					class MissileFlightTimeRot1
+					{
+						type="rotational";
+						source="MissileFlightTime";
+						sourceScale=0.46000001;
+						center[]={0,0};
+						min=0;
+						max=0.5;
+						minAngle=0;
+						maxAngle=18;
+						aspectRatio=0.98290598;
+					};
+					class MissileFlightTimeRot2: MissileFlightTimeRot1
+					{
+						maxAngle=36;
+						max=1;
+					};
+					class MissileFlightTimeRot3: MissileFlightTimeRot1
+					{
+						maxAngle=54;
+						max=1.5;
+					};
+					class MissileFlightTimeRot4: MissileFlightTimeRot1
+					{
+						maxAngle=72;
+						max=2;
+					};
+					class MissileFlightTimeRot5: MissileFlightTimeRot1
+					{
+						maxAngle=90;
+						max=2.5;
+					};
+					class MissileFlightTimeRot6: MissileFlightTimeRot1
+					{
+						maxAngle=108;
+						max=3;
+					};
+					class MissileFlightTimeRot7: MissileFlightTimeRot1
+					{
+						maxAngle=126;
+						max=3.5;
+					};
+					class MissileFlightTimeRot8: MissileFlightTimeRot1
+					{
+						maxAngle=144;
+						max=4;
+					};
+					class MissileFlightTimeRot9: MissileFlightTimeRot1
+					{
+						maxAngle=162;
+						max=4.5;
+					};
+					class MissileFlightTimeRot10: MissileFlightTimeRot1
+					{
+						maxAngle=180;
+						max=5;
+					};
+					class MissileFlightTimeRot11: MissileFlightTimeRot1
+					{
+						maxAngle=198;
+						max=5.5;
+					};
+					class MissileFlightTimeRot12: MissileFlightTimeRot1
+					{
+						maxAngle=216;
+						max=6;
+					};
+					class MissileFlightTimeRot13: MissileFlightTimeRot1
+					{
+						maxAngle=234;
+						max=6.5;
+					};
+					class MissileFlightTimeRot14: MissileFlightTimeRot1
+					{
+						maxAngle=252;
+						max=7;
+					};
+					class MissileFlightTimeRot15: MissileFlightTimeRot1
+					{
+						maxAngle=270;
+						max=7.5;
+					};
+					class MissileFlightTimeRot16: MissileFlightTimeRot1
+					{
+						maxAngle=288;
+						max=8;
+					};
+					class MissileFlightTimeRot17: MissileFlightTimeRot1
+					{
+						maxAngle=306;
+						max=8.5;
+					};
+					class MissileFlightTimeRot18: MissileFlightTimeRot1
+					{
+						maxAngle=324;
+						max=9;
+					};
+					class MissileFlightTimeRot19: MissileFlightTimeRot1
+					{
+						maxAngle=342;
+						max=9.5;
+					};
+					class MissileFlightTimeRot20: MissileFlightTimeRot1
+					{
+						maxAngle=360;
+						max=10;
+					};
+					class HorizonBankRotFull
+					{
+						type="rotational";
+						source="horizonBank";
+						center[]={0,0};
+						min=-3.1415999;
+						max=3.1415999;
+						minAngle=-180;
+						maxAngle=180;
+						aspectRatio=1;
+					};
+				};
+				class Draw
+				{
+					alpha="user3";
+					color[]=
+					{
+						"user0",
+						"user1",
+						"user2"
+					};
+					condition="(1 - (cameraHeadingDiffY<=-19) + (abs(cameraHeadingDiffX)>=24))*on";
+					class VelocityLine
+					{
+						type="line";
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+								1
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+								1
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+								1
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+					class Static
+					{
+						type="line";
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+								1,
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+								1,
+								"SliderDiveSource90m",
+								1,
+								{0.015,0.0099999998},
+								1
+							},
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+								"SliderDiveSource30m",
+								1,
+								"SliderDiveSource90m",
+								1,
+								{0,0},
+								1
+							},
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+								1,
+								"SliderDiveSource30m",
+								1,
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+								1,
+								{0.015,-0.0099999998},
+								1
+							},
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+								1,
+								"SliderDiveSource90m",
+								1,
+								{0.015,0.0099999998},
+								1
+							},
+							{},
+							{
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+								1,
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+								1,
+								"SliderDiveSource",
+								1,
+								"SliderDiveSource30m",
+								1,
+								"SliderDiveSource90m",
+								1,
+								{0.029999999,0.015},
+								1
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+								"SliderDiveSource",
+								1,
+								"SliderDiveSource30m",
+								1,
+								"SliderDiveSource90m",
+								1,
+								{0.088,0.015},
+								1
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+								"SliderDiveSource30m",
+								1,
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+								1,
+								{0.088,-0.015},
+								1
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+								1,
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+								1,
+								{0.029999999,-0.015},
+								1
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+								1,
+								{0.029999999,0.015},
+								1
+							},
+							{},
+							{
+								{0.1,0.30000001},
+								1
+							},
+							{
+								{0.1,0.62},
+								1
+							},
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+								1
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+								1
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+								1
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+								1
+							},
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+								1
+							},
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+								{0.079999998,0.46000001},
+								1
+							},
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+								1
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+								1
+							},
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+								1
+							},
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+								{0.079999998,0.57999998},
+								1
+							},
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+								1
+							},
+							{
+								{0.079999998,0.62},
+								1
+							},
+							{},
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+								"GForceSource",
+								{0.015,0.0099999998},
+								1
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+								1
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+								1
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+								1
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+								1
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+								{0.1,0.81999999},
+								1
+							},
+							{},
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+								1
+							},
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+								{0.079999998,0.69999999},
+								1
+							},
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+								1
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+								1
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+								1
+							},
+							{
+								{0.079999998,0.77999997},
+								1
+							},
+							{},
+							{
+								{0.1,0.81999999},
+								1
+							},
+							{
+								{0.079999998,0.81999999},
+								1
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+								1
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+								1
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+								1
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+								{0.60000002,0.86000001},
+								1
+							},
+							{
+								{0.40000001,0.86000001},
+								1
+							},
+							{},
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+								{0.40000001,0.89499998},
+								1
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+								1
+							},
+							{},
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+								1
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+								{0.59200001,0.89499998},
+								1
+							},
+							{},
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+								{0.5,0.86000001},
+								1
+							},
+							{
+								{0.5,0.86799997},
+								1
+							},
+							{},
+							{
+								{0.5,0.94},
+								1
+							},*/
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+								{0.5,0.93199998},
+								1
+							},
+							{},
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+								{0.46000001,0.07},
+								1
+							},
+							{
+								{0.54000002,0.07},
+								1
+							},
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+								{0.54000002,0.035},
+								1
+							},
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+								{0.46000001,0.035},
+								1
+							},
+							{
+								{0.46000001,0.07},
+								1
+							},
+							{},
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+								1
+							},
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+								{0.85000002,0.115},
+								1
+							},
+							{},//
+							{
+								{0,0.95999998},
+								1
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+								{1.1,0.95999998},
+								1
+							},
+							{},
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+								{0.47999999,0.5},
+								1
+							},
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+								{0.49000001,0.5},
+								1
+							},
+							{},
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+								{0.50999999,0.5},
+								1
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+							{
+								{0.51999998,0.5},
+								1
+							},
+							{},
+							{
+								{0.5,0.49000001},
+								1
+							},
+							{
+								{0.5,0.47999999},
+								1
+							},
+							{},
+							{
+								{0.5,0.50999999},
+								1
+							},
+							{
+								{0.5,0.51999998},
+								1
+							},
+							{},
+							{
+								"WeaponAim",
+								1,
+								{-0.02,0},
+								1
+							},
+							{
+								"WeaponAim",
+								1,
+								{-0.0099999998,0},
+								1
+							},
+							{},
+							{
+								"WeaponAim",
+								1,
+								{0.0099999998,0},
+								1
+							},
+							{
+								"WeaponAim",
+								1,
+								{0.02,0},
+								1
+							},
+							{},
+							{
+								"WeaponAim",
+								1,
+								{0,-0.0099999998},
+								1
+							},
+							{
+								"WeaponAim",
+								1,
+								{0,-0.02},
+								1
+							},
+							{},
+							{
+								"WeaponAim",
+								1,
+								{0,0.0099999998},
+								1
+							},
+							{
+								"WeaponAim",
+								1,
+								{0,0.02},
+								1
+							},
+							{},
+							{
+								"HUDCenter",
+								{-0.16500001,7.0890902e-009},
+								1
+							},
+							{
+								"HUDCenter",
+								{-0.22,9.45212e-009},
+								1
+							},
+							{},
+							{
+								"HUDCenter",
+								{0.16500001,-1.9339701e-009},
+								1
+							},
+							{
+								"HUDCenter",
+								{0.22,-2.57863e-009},
+								1
+							},
+							{},
+							{
+								"HUDCenter",
+								{-0.082500003,0.140452},
+								1
+							},
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+								{-0.096249998,0.16385999},
+								1
+							},
+							{},
+							{
+								"HUDCenter",
+								{0.082500003,0.140452},
+								1
+							},
+							{
+								"HUDCenter",
+								{0.096249998,0.16385999},
+								1
+							},
+							{},
+							{
+								"HUDCenter",
+								{-0.142894,0.081089698},
+								1
+							},
+							{
+								"HUDCenter",
+								{-0.16671,0.094604701},
+								1
+							},
+							{},
+							{
+								"HUDCenter",
+								{0.142894,0.081089698},
+								1
+							},
+							{
+								"HUDCenter",
+								{0.16671,0.094604701},
+								1
+							},
+							{},
+							{
+								"HUDCenter",
+								{-0.116673,0.114678},
+								1
+							},
+							{
+								"HUDCenter",
+								{-0.155564,0.152904},
+								1
+							},
+							{},
+							{
+								"HUDCenter",
+								{0.116673,0.114678},
+								1
+							},
+							{
+								"HUDCenter",
+								{0.155563,0.152904},
+								1
+							},
+							{},
+							{}
+						};
+					};
+					/*class Gunner
+					{
+						type="line";
+						width=4;
+						points[]=
+						{
+							{
+								"GunnerAim",
+								{0.48500001,0.89200002},
+								1
+							},
+							{
+								"GunnerAim",
+								{0.48500001,0.90799999},
+								1
+							},
+							{
+								"GunnerAim",
+								{0.51499999,0.90799999},
+								1
+							},
+							{
+								"GunnerAim",
+								{0.51499999,0.89200002},
+								1
+							},
+							{
+								"GunnerAim",
+								{0.48500001,0.89200002},
+								1
+							}
+						};
+					};*/
+					class DiveNumber
+					{
+						type="text";
+						source="horizondive";
+						sourceScale=57.29578;
+						sourceOffset=0;
+						align="left";
+						scale=1;
+						pos[]=
+						{
+							"SliderDiveSource90",
+							1,
+							"SliderDiveSource30",
+							1,
+							"SliderDiveSource",
+							1,
+							"SliderDiveSource30m",
+							1,
+							"SliderDiveSource90m",
+							1,
+							{
+								0.085000001,
+								"0.00-0.011"
+							},
+							1
+						};
+						right[]=
+						{
+							"SliderDiveSource90",
+							1,
+							"SliderDiveSource30",
+							1,
+							"SliderDiveSource",
+							1,
+							"SliderDiveSource30m",
+							1,
+							"SliderDiveSource90m",
+							1,
+							{
+								0.12,
+								"0.00-0.011"
+							},
+							1
+						};
+						down[]=
+						{
+							"SliderDiveSource90",
+							1,
+							"SliderDiveSource30",
+							1,
+							"SliderDiveSource",
+							1,
+							"SliderDiveSource30m",
+							1,
+							"SliderDiveSource90m",
+							1,
+							{
+								0.085000001,
+								"0.03-0.011"
+							},
+							1
+						};
+					};
+					class VSpeedGroup
+					{
+						condition="on";
+						class VSpeedNumber
+						{
+							type="text";
+							source="vspeed";
+							sourceScale=1;
+							align="center";
+							scale=1;
+							pos[]=
+							{
+								{
+									"0.82+0.07",
+									0.72799999
+								},
+								1
+							};
+							right[]=
+							{
+								{
+									"0.87+0.07",
+									0.72799999
+								},
+								1
+							};
+							down[]=
+							{
+								{
+									"0.82+0.07",
+									0.76300001
+								},
+								1
+							};
+						};
+						class Static
+						{
+							type="line";
+							width=3;
+							points[]=
+							{
+								{
+									{0.85900003,0.75999999},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									{0.91900003,0.75999999},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									{0.91900003,0.72500002},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									{0.85900003,0.72500002},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									{0.85900003,0.75999999},
+									1
+								},
+								{}
+							};
+						};
+					};
+					class VSpeedGroupUp
+					{
+						condition="vspeed";
+						class Static
+						{
+							type="line";
+							width=3;
+							points[]=
+							{
+								{
+									{0.86900002,0.71499997},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									{0.90899998,0.71499997},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									{0.889,0.69499999},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									{0.86900002,0.71499997},
+									1
+								},
+								{}
+							};
+						};
+					};
+					class VSpeedGroupDown
+					{
+						condition="-vspeed";
+						class Static
+						{
+							type="line";
+							width=3;
+							points[]=
+							{
+								{
+									{0.86900002,0.76999998},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									{0.90899998,0.76999998},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									{0.889,0.79000002},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									{0.86900002,0.76999998},
+									1
+								},
+								{}
+							};
+						};
+					};
+					class AltGroup
+					{
+						condition="1000 - altitudeAGL";
+						class Static
+						{
+							type="line";
+							width=3;
+							points[]=
+							{
+								{
+									"SliderAltitudeSource",
+									{0.024,0.0099999998},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"SliderAltitudeSource",
+									{0.0089999996,0},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"SliderAltitudeSource",
+									{0.024,-0.0099999998},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"SliderAltitudeSource",
+									{0.024,0.0099999998},
+									1
+								},
+								{},
+								{
+									"SliderAltitudeSource",
+									{0.035,0.015},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"SliderAltitudeSource",
+									{0.093000002,0.015},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"SliderAltitudeSource",
+									{0.093000002,-0.015},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"SliderAltitudeSource",
+									{0.035,-0.015},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"SliderAltitudeSource",
+									{0.035,0.015},
+									1
+								},
+								{},
+								{
+									{0.889,0.2},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									{0.889,0.375},
+									1
+								},
+								{},
+								{
+									{0.87900001,0.2},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									{0.89899999,0.2},
+									1
+								},
+								{},
+								{
+									{0.87900001,0.375},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									{0.89899999,0.375},
+									1
+								},
+								{}
+							};
+						};
+						class AltNumber
+						{
+							type="text";
+							source="altitudeAGL";
+							sourceScale=1;
+							sourceOffset=-3;
+							align="left";
+							scale=1;
+							pos[]=
+							{
+								"SliderAltitudeSource",
+								{
+									0.085000001,
+									"0.00-0.011"
+								},
+								1
+							};
+							right[]=
+							{
+								"SliderAltitudeSource",
+								{
+									0.11,
+									"0.00-0.011"
+								},
+								1
+							};
+							down[]=
+							{
+								"SliderAltitudeSource",
+								{
+									0.085000001,
+									"0.03-0.011"
+								},
+								1
+							};
+						};
+						class AltStatic50
+						{
+							type="text";
+							source="static";
+							text="1000";
+							scale=1;
+							sourceScale=1;
+							align="center";
+							pos[]=
+							{
+								{0.88499999,0.171},
+								1
+							};
+							right[]=
+							{
+								{0.92500001,0.171},
+								1
+							};
+							down[]=
+							{
+								{0.88499999,0.20100001},
+								1
+							};
+						};
+					};
+					class SpeedNumber
+					{
+						type="text";
+						source="speed";
+						sourceScale=3.5999999;
+						sourceLength=3;
+						align="left";
+						scale=1;
+						pos[]=
+						{
+							{0.13,0.22},
+							1
+						};
+						down[]=
+						{
+							{0.13,0.25999999},
+							1
+						};
+						right[]=
+						{
+							{0.2,0.22},
+							1
+						};
+					};
+					class Angle_90
+					{
+						type="text";
+						source="static";
+						text="90";
+						scale=1;
+						sourceScale=1;
+						align="left";
+						pos[]=
+						{
+							{0.07,0.285},
+							1
+						};
+						right[]=
+						{
+							{0.11,0.285},
+							1
+						};
+						down[]=
+						{
+							{0.07,0.315},
+							1
+						};
+					};
+					class Angle_30
+					{
+						type="text";
+						source="static";
+						text="30";
+						scale=1;
+						sourceScale=1;
+						align="left";
+						pos[]=
+						{
+							{0.07,0.32499999},
+							1
+						};
+						right[]=
+						{
+							{0.11,0.32499999},
+							1
+						};
+						down[]=
+						{
+							{0.07,0.35499999},
+							1
+						};
+					};
+					class Angle_10
+					{
+						type="text";
+						source="static";
+						text="10";
+						scale=1;
+						sourceScale=1;
+						align="left";
+						pos[]=
+						{
+							{0.07,0.36500001},
+							1
+						};
+						right[]=
+						{
+							{0.11,0.36500001},
+							1
+						};
+						down[]=
+						{
+							{0.07,0.39500001},
+							1
+						};
+					};
+					class Angle_0
+					{
+						type="text";
+						source="static";
+						text="0";
+						scale=1;
+						sourceScale=1;
+						align="left";
+						pos[]=
+						{
+							{0.07,0.44499999},
+							1
+						};
+						right[]=
+						{
+							{0.11,0.44499999},
+							1
+						};
+						down[]=
+						{
+							{0.07,0.47499999},
+							1
+						};
+					};
+					class Angle_10m
+					{
+						type="text";
+						source="static";
+						text="-10";
+						scale=1;
+						sourceScale=1;
+						align="left";
+						pos[]=
+						{
+							{0.07,0.52499998},
+							1
+						};
+						right[]=
+						{
+							{0.11,0.52499998},
+							1
+						};
+						down[]=
+						{
+							{0.07,0.55500001},
+							1
+						};
+					};
+					class Angle_30m
+					{
+						type="text";
+						source="static";
+						text="-30";
+						scale=1;
+						sourceScale=1;
+						align="left";
+						pos[]=
+						{
+							{0.07,0.565},
+							1
+						};
+						right[]=
+						{
+							{0.11,0.565},
+							1
+						};
+						down[]=
+						{
+							{0.07,0.59500003},
+							1
+						};
+					};
+					class Angle_90m
+					{
+						type="text";
+						source="static";
+						text="-90";
+						scale=1;
+						sourceScale=1;
+						align="left";
+						pos[]=
+						{
+							{0.07,0.60500002},
+							1
+						};
+						right[]=
+						{
+							{0.11,0.60500002},
+							1
+						};
+						down[]=
+						{
+							{0.07,0.63499999},
+							1
+						};
+					};
+					class GMeterStatic3
+					{
+						type="text";
+						source="static";
+						text="3";
+						scale=1;
+						sourceScale=1;
+						align="left";
+						pos[]=
+						{
+							{0.07,0.68300003},
+							1
+						};
+						right[]=
+						{
+							{0.11,0.68300003},
+							1
+						};
+						down[]=
+						{
+							{0.07,0.713},
+							1
+						};
+					};
+					class GMeterStatic2
+					{
+						type="text";
+						source="static";
+						text="2";
+						scale=1;
+						sourceScale=1;
+						align="left";
+						pos[]=
+						{
+							{0.07,0.72299999},
+							1
+						};
+						right[]=
+						{
+							{0.11,0.72299999},
+							1
+						};
+						down[]=
+						{
+							{0.07,0.75300002},
+							1
+						};
+					};
+					class GMeterStatic1
+					{
+						type="text";
+						source="static";
+						text="1";
+						scale=1;
+						sourceScale=1;
+						align="left";
+						pos[]=
+						{
+							{0.07,0.76300001},
+							1
+						};
+						right[]=
+						{
+							{0.11,0.76300001},
+							1
+						};
+						down[]=
+						{
+							{0.07,0.79299998},
+							1
+						};
+					};
+					class GMeterStatic0
+					{
+						type="text";
+						source="static";
+						text="0";
+						scale=1;
+						sourceScale=1;
+						align="left";
+						pos[]=
+						{
+							{0.07,0.80299997},
+							1
+						};
+						right[]=
+						{
+							{0.11,0.80299997},
+							1
+						};
+						down[]=
+						{
+							{0.07,0.833},
+							1
+						};
+					};
+					class RtdOnlyGroup
+					{
+						condition="simulRTD";
+						class CollectiveNumber
+						{
+							type="text";
+							source="rtdCollective";
+							sourceScale=100;
+							align="left";
+							scale=1;
+							pos[]=
+							{
+								{0.889,0.46000001},
+								1
+							};
+							right[]=
+							{
+								{0.93900001,0.46000001},
+								1
+							};
+							down[]=
+							{
+								{0.889,0.495},
+								1
+							};
+						};
+						class CollectiveText
+						{
+							type="text";
+							source="static";
+							text="%";
+							scale=1;
+							sourceScale=1;
+							align="right";
+							pos[]=
+							{
+								{0.89899999,0.46000001},
+								1
+							};
+							right[]=
+							{
+								{0.949,0.46000001},
+								1
+							};
+							down[]=
+							{
+								{0.89899999,0.495},
+								1
+							};
+						};
+						class EngineRPM
+						{
+							type="line";
+							width=3;
+							points[]=
+							{
+								{
+									{0.88999999,0.5},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									{0.88999999,0.66000003},
+									1
+								},
+								{},
+								{
+									{0.92000002,0.5},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									{0.86000001,0.5},
+									1
+								},
+								{},
+								{
+									{0.92000002,0.66000003},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									{0.86000001,0.66000003},
+									1
+								},
+								{},
+								{
+									{0.91000003,0.54000002},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									{0.87,0.54000002},
+									1
+								},
+								{},
+								{
+									{0.91000003,0.57999998},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									{0.87,0.57999998},
+									1
+								},
+								{},
+								{
+									{0.91000003,0.62},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									{0.87,0.62},
+									1
+								},
+								{}
+							};
+						};
+						class EngineRPMLines
+						{
+							type="line";
+							width=5;
+							points[]=
+							{
+								{
+									{
+										"0.90+0.01",
+										0.66000003
+									},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"rtdrpm1",
+									{
+										"0.90+0.01",
+										0.66000003
+									},
+									1
+								},
+								{},
+								{
+									{
+										"0.86+0.01",
+										0.66000003
+									},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"rtdrpm2",
+									{
+										"0.86+0.01",
+										0.66000003
+									},
+									1
+								},
+								{},
+								{}
+							};
+						};
+						class RPM60Text
+						{
+							type="text";
+							source="static";
+							text="60";
+							scale=1;
+							sourceScale=1;
+							align="right";
+							pos[]=
+							{
+								{0.92500001,0.64499998},
+								1
+							};
+							right[]=
+							{
+								{0.95499998,0.64499998},
+								1
+							};
+							down[]=
+							{
+								{0.92500001,0.67000002},
+								1
+							};
+						};
+						class RPM80Text
+						{
+							type="text";
+							source="static";
+							text="80";
+							scale=1;
+							sourceScale=1;
+							align="right";
+							pos[]=
+							{
+								{0.92500001,0.60500002},
+								1
+							};
+							right[]=
+							{
+								{0.95499998,0.60500002},
+								1
+							};
+							down[]=
+							{
+								{0.92500001,0.63},
+								1
+							};
+						};
+						class RPM100Text
+						{
+							type="text";
+							source="static";
+							text="100";
+							scale=1;
+							sourceScale=1;
+							align="right";
+							pos[]=
+							{
+								{0.92500001,0.565},
+								1
+							};
+							right[]=
+							{
+								{0.95499998,0.565},
+								1
+							};
+							down[]=
+							{
+								{0.92500001,0.58999997},
+								1
+							};
+						};
+						class RPM120Text
+						{
+							type="text";
+							source="static";
+							text="120";
+							scale=1;
+							sourceScale=1;
+							align="right";
+							pos[]=
+							{
+								{0.92500001,0.52499998},
+								1
+							};
+							right[]=
+							{
+								{0.95499998,0.52499998},
+								1
+							};
+							down[]=
+							{
+								{0.92500001,0.55000001},
+								1
+							};
+						};
+					};
+					class HeadingNumber
+					{
+						type="text";
+						source="heading";
+						sourceScale=1;
+						align="center";
+						scale=1;
+						pos[]=
+						{
+							{
+								"0.80-0.302",
+								"0.082-0.043"
+							},
+							1
+						};
+						right[]=
+						{
+							{
+								"0.84-0.302",
+								"0.082-0.043"
+							},
+							1
+						};
+						down[]=
+						{
+							{
+								"0.80-0.302",
+								"0.117-0.043"
+							},
+							1
+						};
+					};
+					class HeadingRotationArrow
+					{
+						condition="5-abs(cameraDir-heading)*( (abs(heading-cameraDir))<=355)";
+						class HeadingArrow
+						{
+							type="line";
+							width=3;
+							points[]=
+							{
+								{
+									{0.51999998,0.079999998},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									{0.5,0.11},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									{0.47999999,0.079999998},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									{0.51999998,0.079999998},
+									1
+								},
+								{}
+							};
+						};
+					};
+					class HeadingRotation
+					{
+						condition="abs(cameraDir-heading)*( (abs(heading-cameraDir))<=355)-5";
+						class HeadingHeadNumber
+						{
+							type="text";
+							source="cameraDir";
+							sourceScale=1;
+							align="center";
+							scale=1;
+							pos[]=
+							{
+								{
+									"0.80-0.302",
+									"0.082+0.001"
+								},
+								1
+							};
+							right[]=
+							{
+								{
+									"0.83-0.302",
+									"0.082+0.001"
+								},
+								1
+							};
+							down[]=
+							{
+								{
+									"0.80-0.302",
+									"0.113+0.001"
+								},
+								1
+							};
+						};
+						class HeadingArrow
+						{
+							type="line";
+							width=3;
+							points[]=
+							{
+								{
+									{0.47799999,0.075000003},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									{0.52200001,0.075000003},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									{0.55199999,0.094999999},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									{0.52200001,0.115},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									{0.47799999,0.115},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									{0.44800001,0.094999999},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									{0.47799999,0.075000003},
+									1
+								},
+								{}
+							};
+						};
+					};
+					class HeadingScale
+					{
+						type="scale";
+						horizontal=1;
+						source="heading";
+						sourceScale=0.1;
+						sourceoffset=0;
+						width=3;
+						NeverEatSeaWeed=1;
+						top=0.15000001;
+						center=0.5;
+						bottom=0.85000002;
+						lineXleft=0.114;
+						lineYright=0.12;
+						lineXleftMajor=0.114;
+						lineYrightMajor=0.13;
+						majorLineEach=2;
+						numberEach=6;
+						step=0.5;
+						stepSize=0.034482799;
+						align="center";
+						scale=1;
+						pos[]={0.15000001,0.13};
+						right[]={0.20999999,0.13};
+						down[]={0.15000001,0.17};
+					};
+					class HorizonBanking
+					{
+						type="line";
+						width=3;
+						clipTL[]={0,0.1};
+						clipBR[]={1,0.89999998};
+						points[]=
+						{
+							{
+								"HorizonBankSource",
+								{0.16,0},
+								1
+							},
+							{
+								"HorizonBankSource",
+								{0.1,0},
+								1
+							},
+							{
+								"HorizonBankSource",
+								{0.085000001,-0.015},
+								1
+							},
+							{
+								"HorizonBankSource",
+								{0.07,0},
+								1
+							},
+							{
+								"HorizonBankSource",
+								{0.050000001,0},
+								1
+							},
+							{},
+							{
+								"HorizonBankSource",
+								{-0.16,0},
+								1
+							},
+							{
+								"HorizonBankSource",
+								{-0.1,0},
+								1
+							},
+							{
+								"HorizonBankSource",
+								{-0.085000001,-0.015},
+								1
+							},
+							{
+								"HorizonBankSource",
+								{-0.07,0},
+								1
+							},
+							{
+								"HorizonBankSource",
+								{-0.050000001,0},
+								1
+							},
+							{}
+						};
+					};
+					class CoordXNumber
+					{
+						type="text";
+						source="coordinateX";
+						sourceScale=0.0099999998;
+						sourceLength=3;
+						sourceOffset=-0.5;
+						align="right";
+						scale=1;
+						pos[]=
+						{
+							{0.80900002,0.96100003},
+							1
+						};
+						right[]=
+						{
+							{0.85900003,0.96100003},
+							1
+						};
+						down[]=
+						{
+							{0.80900002,0.99599999},
+							1
+						};
+					};
+					class CoordYNumber: CoordXNumber
+					{
+						source="coordinateY";
+						pos[]=
+						{
+							{0.89899999,0.96100003},
+							1
+						};
+						right[]=
+						{
+							{0.949,0.96100003},
+							1
+						};
+						down[]=
+						{
+							{0.89899999,0.99599999},
+							1
+						};
+					};
+					class Time: CoordXNumber
+					{
+						source="time";
+						text="%X";
+						align="left";
+						pos[]=
+						{
+							{0.60500002,0.96100003},
+							1
+						};
+						right[]=
+						{
+							{0.65499997,0.96100003},
+							1
+						};
+						down[]=
+						{
+							{0.60500002,0.99599999},
+							1
+						};
+					};
+					class CurrentWeapon
+					{
+						type="text";
+						source="weapon";
+						sourceScale=1;
+						align="left";
+						scale=1;
+						pos[]=
+						{
+							{0.97899997,0.889},
+							1
+						};
+						right[]=
+						{
+							{1.029,0.889},
+							1
+						};
+						down[]=
+						{
+							{0.97899997,0.92400002},
+							1
+						};
+					};
+					class CurrentAmmo: CurrentWeapon
+					{
+						source="ammo";
+						align="left";
+						pos[]=
+						{
+							{0.97899997,0.921},
+							1
+						};
+						right[]=
+						{
+							{1.029,0.921},
+							1
+						};
+						down[]=
+						{
+							{0.97899997,0.95599997},
+							1
+						};
+					};
+					class CoordXText
+					{
+						type="text";
+						source="static";
+						text="GRID:";
+						scale=1;
+						sourceScale=1;
+						align="right";
+						pos[]=
+						{
+							{0.65499997,0.96100003},
+							1
+						};
+						right[]=
+						{
+							{0.70499998,0.96100003},
+							1
+						};
+						down[]=
+						{
+							{0.65499997,0.99599999},
+							1
+						};
+					};
+					class CoordYText
+					{
+						type="text";
+						source="static";
+						text="";
+						scale=1;
+						sourceScale=1;
+						align="right";
+						pos[]=
+						{
+							{0.875,0.96100003},
+							1
+						};
+						right[]=
+						{
+							{0.92500001,0.96100003},
+							1
+						};
+						down[]=
+						{
+							{0.875,0.99599999},
+							1
+						};
+					};
+					class LightsGroup
+					{
+						condition="lights";
+						class LightsText
+						{
+							type="text";
+							source="static";
+							text="LIGHT";
+							align="left";
+							scale=1;
+							pos[]=
+							{
+								{0.149,0.96100003},
+								1
+							};
+							right[]=
+							{
+								{0.199,0.96100003},
+								1
+							};
+							down[]=
+							{
+								{0.149,0.99599999},
+								1
+							};
+						};
+					};
+					class CollisionLights
+					{
+						condition="collisionlights";
+						class CollisionLightsText
+						{
+							type="text";
+							source="static";
+							text="COLL";
+							align="left";
+							scale=1;
+							pos[]=
+							{
+								{0.30899999,0.96100003},
+								1
+							};
+							right[]=
+							{
+								{0.359,0.96100003},
+								1
+							};
+							down[]=
+							{
+								{0.30899999,0.99599999},
+								1
+							};
+						};
+					};
+					class WeaponsLocking
+					{
+						condition="missilelocking";
+						blinkingPattern[]={0.2,0.2};
+						blinkingStartsOn=1;
+						class Text
+						{
+							type="text";
+							source="static";
+							text="LOCKING";
+							align="center";
+							scale=1;
+							pos[]=
+							{
+								{0.215,0.87970102},
+								1
+							};
+							right[]=
+							{
+								{0.27500001,0.87970102},
+								1
+							};
+							down[]=
+							{
+								{0.215,0.928846},
+								1
+							};
+						};
+					};
+					class TargetInfo
+					{
+						condition="missilelocked";
+						class TargetLockedText
+						{
+							type="text";
+							source="static";
+							text="TARGET ACQUIRED";
+							scale=1;
+							sourceScale=1;
+							align="center";
+							pos[]=
+							{
+								{0.19499999,0.85900003},
+								1
+							};
+							right[]=
+							{
+								{0.235,0.85900003},
+								1
+							};
+							down[]=
+							{
+								{0.19499999,0.88999999},
+								1
+							};
+						};
+						class TimeOfFlightText
+						{
+							type="text";
+							source="static";
+							text="TOF:";
+							scale=1;
+							sourceScale=1;
+							align="left";
+							pos[]=
+							{
+								{
+									"0.127+0.13",
+									0.889
+								},
+								1
+							};
+							right[]=
+							{
+								{0.30199999,0.889},
+								1
+							};
+							down[]=
+							{
+								{
+									"0.127+0.13",
+									0.92400002
+								},
+								1
+							};
+						};
+						class DistanceText
+						{
+							type="text";
+							source="static";
+							text="DISTANCE:";
+							scale=1;
+							sourceScale=1;
+							align="left";
+							pos[]=
+							{
+								{
+									"0.125+0.13",
+									0.921
+								},
+								1
+							};
+							right[]=
+							{
+								{0.30000001,0.921},
+								1
+							};
+							down[]=
+							{
+								{
+									"0.125+0.13",
+									0.95599997
+								},
+								1
+							};
+						};
+						class TOF_source: CurrentWeapon
+						{
+							source="missileflighttime";
+							align="right";
+							pos[]=
+							{
+								{0.26899999,0.889},
+								1
+							};
+							right[]=
+							{
+								{0.31900001,0.889},
+								1
+							};
+							down[]=
+							{
+								{0.26899999,0.92400002},
+								1
+							};
+						};
+						class TargetDistance: CurrentWeapon
+						{
+							source="targetDist";
+							sourceLength=0;
+							sourcePrecision=1;
+							sourceScale=0.001;
+							align="right";
+							pos[]=
+							{
+								{0.26899999,0.921},
+								1
+							};
+							right[]=
+							{
+								{0.31900001,0.921},
+								1
+							};
+							down[]=
+							{
+								{0.26899999,0.95599997},
+								1
+							};
+						};
+					};
+					class IncomingMissile
+					{
+						condition="incomingmissile";
+						blinkingPattern[]={0.30000001,0.30000001};
+						blinkingStartsOn=1;
+						class Text
+						{
+							type="text";
+							source="static";
+							text="!INCOMING MISSILE!";
+							align="center";
+							scale=1;
+							pos[]=
+							{
+								{0.48500001,0.21623901},
+								1
+							};
+							right[]=
+							{
+								{0.54500002,0.21623901},
+								1
+							};
+							down[]=
+							{
+								{0.48500001,0.265385},
+								1
+							};
+						};
+					};
+					class MGun
+					{
+						condition="-2+mgun*ImpactDistance";
+						class Cross
+						{
+							type="line";
+							width=3;
+							points[]=
+							{
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0,-0.0294872},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0,-0.0393162},
+									1
+								},
+								{},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0.02,-0.024},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0.025,-0.030999999},
+									1
+								},
+								{},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0,-0.0020000001},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0,0.0020000001},
+									1
+								},
+								{},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{-0.0020000001,0},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0.0020000001,0},
+									1
+								},
+								{}
+							};
+						};
+						class Circle
+						{
+							type="line";
+							width=3;
+							points[]=
+							{
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0,-0.0275214},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0,-0.0344017},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"MissileFlightTimeRot1",
+									{0,0.035},
+									1,
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"MissileFlightTimeRot2",
+									{0,0.035},
+									1,
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"MissileFlightTimeRot3",
+									{0,0.035},
+									1,
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"MissileFlightTimeRot4",
+									{0,0.035},
+									1,
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"MissileFlightTimeRot5",
+									{0,0.035},
+									1,
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"MissileFlightTimeRot6",
+									{0,0.035},
+									1,
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"MissileFlightTimeRot7",
+									{0,0.035},
+									1,
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"MissileFlightTimeRot8",
+									{0,0.035},
+									1,
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"MissileFlightTimeRot9",
+									{0,0.035},
+									1,
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"MissileFlightTimeRot10",
+									{0,0.035},
+									1,
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"MissileFlightTimeRot11",
+									{0,0.035},
+									1,
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"MissileFlightTimeRot12",
+									{0,0.035},
+									1,
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"MissileFlightTimeRot13",
+									{0,0.035},
+									1,
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"MissileFlightTimeRot14",
+									{0,0.035},
+									1,
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"MissileFlightTimeRot15",
+									{0,0.035},
+									1,
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"MissileFlightTimeRot16",
+									{0,0.035},
+									1,
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"MissileFlightTimeRot17",
+									{0,0.035},
+									1,
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"MissileFlightTimeRot18",
+									{0,0.035},
+									1,
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"MissileFlightTimeRot19",
+									{0,0.035},
+									1,
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"MissileFlightTimeRot20",
+									{0,0.035},
+									1,
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"MissileFlightTimeRot20",
+									{0,0.028000001},
+									1,
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									1
+								}
+							};
+						};
+						class Circle_Min_Range
+						{
+							type="line";
+							width=3;
+							points[]=
+							{
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0,-0.0294872},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0.0052080001,-0.029038999},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0.01026,-0.0277091},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0.015,-0.0255359},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0.019284001,-0.022587201},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0.022980001,-0.0189544},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0.025979999,-0.0147436},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0.028191,-0.0100846},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0.029544,-0.0051189698},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0.029999999,0},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0.029544,0.0051189698},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0.028191,0.0100846},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0.025979999,0.0147436},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0.022980001,0.0189544},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0.019284001,0.022587201},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0.015,0.0255359},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0.01026,0.0277091},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0.0052080001,0.029038999},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0,0.0294872},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{-0.0052080001,0.029038999},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{-0.01026,0.0277091},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{-0.015,0.0255359},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{-0.019284001,0.022587201},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{-0.022980001,0.0189544},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{-0.025979999,0.0147436},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{-0.028191,0.0100846},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{-0.029544,0.0051189698},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{-0.029999999,0},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{-0.029544,-0.0051189698},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{-0.028191,-0.0100846},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{-0.025979999,-0.0147436},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{-0.022980001,-0.0189544},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{-0.019284001,-0.022587201},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{-0.015,-0.0255359},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{-0.01026,-0.0277091},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{-0.0052080001,-0.029038999},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0,-0.0294872},
+									1
+								}
+							};
+						};
+						class Distance
+						{
+							type="text";
+							source="ImpactDistance";
+							sourceScale=0.001;
+							sourcePrecision=1;
+							max=15;
+							align="center";
+							scale=1;
+							pos[]=
+							{
+								"ImpactPoint",
+								{-0.0020000001,-0.079999998},
+								1
+							};
+							right[]=
+							{
+								"ImpactPoint",
+								{0.045000002,-0.079999998},
+								1
+							};
+							down[]=
+							{
+								"ImpactPoint",
+								{-0.0020000001,-0.039999999},
+								1
+							};
+						};
+					};
+					class Rockets
+					{
+						condition="-2+rocket*ImpactDistance";
+						class Cross
+						{
+							type="line";
+							width=3;
+							points[]=
+							{
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0,-0.0294872},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0,-0.0393162},
+									1
+								},
+								{},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0.02,-0.024},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0.025,-0.030999999},
+									1
+								},
+								{},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0,-0.0020000001},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0,0.0020000001},
+									1
+								},
+								{},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{-0.0020000001,0},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0.0020000001,0},
+									1
+								},
+								{}
+							};
+						};
+						class Circle
+						{
+							type="line";
+							width=3;
+							points[]=
+							{
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0,-0.0275214},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0,-0.0344017},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"MissileFlightTimeRot1",
+									{0,0.035},
+									1,
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"MissileFlightTimeRot2",
+									{0,0.035},
+									1,
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"MissileFlightTimeRot3",
+									{0,0.035},
+									1,
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"MissileFlightTimeRot4",
+									{0,0.035},
+									1,
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"MissileFlightTimeRot5",
+									{0,0.035},
+									1,
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"MissileFlightTimeRot6",
+									{0,0.035},
+									1,
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"MissileFlightTimeRot7",
+									{0,0.035},
+									1,
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"MissileFlightTimeRot8",
+									{0,0.035},
+									1,
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"MissileFlightTimeRot9",
+									{0,0.035},
+									1,
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"MissileFlightTimeRot10",
+									{0,0.035},
+									1,
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"MissileFlightTimeRot11",
+									{0,0.035},
+									1,
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"MissileFlightTimeRot12",
+									{0,0.035},
+									1,
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"MissileFlightTimeRot13",
+									{0,0.035},
+									1,
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"MissileFlightTimeRot14",
+									{0,0.035},
+									1,
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"MissileFlightTimeRot15",
+									{0,0.035},
+									1,
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"MissileFlightTimeRot16",
+									{0,0.035},
+									1,
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"MissileFlightTimeRot17",
+									{0,0.035},
+									1,
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"MissileFlightTimeRot18",
+									{0,0.035},
+									1,
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"MissileFlightTimeRot19",
+									{0,0.035},
+									1,
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"MissileFlightTimeRot20",
+									{0,0.035},
+									1,
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"MissileFlightTimeRot20",
+									{0,0.028000001},
+									1,
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									1
+								}
+							};
+						};
+						class Circle_Min_Range
+						{
+							type="line";
+							width=3;
+							points[]=
+							{
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0,-0.0294872},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0.0052080001,-0.029038999},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0.01026,-0.0277091},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0.015,-0.0255359},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0.019284001,-0.022587201},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0.022980001,-0.0189544},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0.025979999,-0.0147436},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0.028191,-0.0100846},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0.029544,-0.0051189698},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0.029999999,0},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0.029544,0.0051189698},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0.028191,0.0100846},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0.025979999,0.0147436},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0.022980001,0.0189544},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0.019284001,0.022587201},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0.015,0.0255359},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0.01026,0.0277091},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0.0052080001,0.029038999},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0,0.0294872},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{-0.0052080001,0.029038999},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{-0.01026,0.0277091},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{-0.015,0.0255359},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{-0.019284001,0.022587201},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{-0.022980001,0.0189544},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{-0.025979999,0.0147436},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{-0.028191,0.0100846},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{-0.029544,0.0051189698},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{-0.029999999,0},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{-0.029544,-0.0051189698},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{-0.028191,-0.0100846},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{-0.025979999,-0.0147436},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{-0.022980001,-0.0189544},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{-0.019284001,-0.022587201},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{-0.015,-0.0255359},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{-0.01026,-0.0277091},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{-0.0052080001,-0.029038999},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0,-0.0294872},
+									1
+								}
+							};
+						};
+						class Distance
+						{
+							type="text";
+							source="ImpactDistance";
+							sourceScale=0.001;
+							sourcePrecision=1;
+							max=15;
+							align="center";
+							scale=1;
+							pos[]=
+							{
+								"ImpactPoint",
+								{-0.0020000001,-0.079999998},
+								1
+							};
+							right[]=
+							{
+								"ImpactPoint",
+								{0.045000002,-0.079999998},
+								1
+							};
+							down[]=
+							{
+								"ImpactPoint",
+								{-0.0020000001,-0.039999999},
+								1
+							};
+						};
+					};
+					class BombCrosshairGroup
+					{
+						type="group";
+						condition="bomb";
+						class BombCrosshair
+						{
+							type="line";
+							width=4;
+							points[]=
+							{
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0,-0.0982906},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0.01736,-0.096796602},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0.034200002,-0.0923637},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0.050000001,-0.085119702},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0.064280003,-0.075290598},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0.0766,-0.063181199},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0.086599998,-0.0491453},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0.093970001,-0.033615399},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0.098480001,-0.0170632},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0.1,0},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0.098480001,0.0170632},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0.093970001,0.033615399},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0.086599998,0.0491453},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0.0766,0.063181199},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0.064280003,0.075290598},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0.050000001,0.085119702},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0.034200002,0.0923637},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0.01736,0.096796602},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0,0.0982906},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{-0.01736,0.096796602},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{-0.034200002,0.0923637},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{-0.050000001,0.085119702},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{-0.064280003,0.075290598},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{-0.0766,0.063181199},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{-0.086599998,0.0491453},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{-0.093970001,0.033615399},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{-0.098480001,0.0170632},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{-0.1,0},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{-0.098480001,-0.0170632},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{-0.093970001,-0.033615399},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{-0.086599998,-0.0491453},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{-0.0766,-0.063181199},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{-0.064280003,-0.075290598},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{-0.050000001,-0.085119702},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{-0.034200002,-0.0923637},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{-0.01736,-0.096796602},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									{0,-0.0982906},
+									1
+								},
+								{},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									1,
+									"Limit0109",
+									1,
+									{0,-0.0196581},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									1,
+									"Limit0109",
+									1,
+									{0.014,-0.0137607},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									1,
+									"Limit0109",
+									1,
+									{
+										"+ 0.02",
+										0
+									},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									1,
+									"Limit0109",
+									1,
+									{0.014,0.0137607},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									1,
+									"Limit0109",
+									1,
+									{0,0.0196581},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									1,
+									"Limit0109",
+									1,
+									{-0.014,0.0137607},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									1,
+									"Limit0109",
+									1,
+									{
+										"- 0.02",
+										0
+									},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									1,
+									"Limit0109",
+									1,
+									{-0.014,-0.0137607},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									1,
+									"Limit0109",
+									1,
+									{0,-0.0196581},
+									1
+								},
+								{},
+								{
+									"VelocityVector",
+									0.001,
+									"ImpactPoint",
+									1,
+									"Limit0109",
+									1,
+									{0,0},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"VelocityVector",
+									1,
+									"Limit0109",
+									1,
+									{0,0},
+									1
+								}
+							};
+						};
+						class Distance
+						{
+							type="text";
+							source="ImpactDistance";
+							sourceScale=0.001;
+							sourcePrecision=1;
+							max=15;
+							align="center";
+							scale=1;
+							pos[]=
+							{
+								"ImpactPoint",
+								{-0.0020000001,0.11},
+								1
+							};
+							right[]=
+							{
+								"ImpactPoint",
+								{0.045000002,0.11},
+								1
+							};
+							down[]=
+							{
+								"ImpactPoint",
+								{-0.0020000001,0.15000001},
+								1
+							};
+						};
+					};
+					class WP
+					{
+						condition="wpvalid";
+						class WPdist
+						{
+							type="text";
+							source="wpdist";
+							sourceScale=0.001;
+							sourcePrecision=1;
+							align="left";
+							scale=1;
+							pos[]=
+							{
+								{0.935,0.79713702},
+								1
+							};
+							right[]=
+							{
+								{0.97500002,0.79713702},
+								1
+							};
+							down[]=
+							{
+								{0.935,0.83448702},
+								1
+							};
+						};
+						class WPstatic
+						{
+							type="text";
+							source="static";
+							text=">";
+							align="center";
+							scale=2;
+							pos[]=
+							{
+								{0.94999999,0.79713702},
+								1
+							};
+							right[]=
+							{
+								{0.97000003,0.79713702},
+								1
+							};
+							down[]=
+							{
+								{0.94999999,0.83448702},
+								1
+							};
+						};
+						class WPIndex
+						{
+							type="text";
+							source="wpIndex";
+							sourceScale=1;
+							align="right";
+							scale=1;
+							pos[]=
+							{
+								{0.95999998,0.79713702},
+								1
+							};
+							right[]=
+							{
+								{1,0.79713702},
+								1
+							};
+							down[]=
+							{
+								{0.95999998,0.83448702},
+								1
+							};
+						};
+						class WP
+						{
+							width=1;
+							type="line";
+							points[]=
+							{
+								{
+									"wppoint",
+									1,
+									{
+										"HorizonBankRotFull",
+										0.015,
+										-0.035
+									},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"wppoint",
+									1,
+									{
+										"HorizonBankRotFull",
+										0,
+										0
+									},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"wppoint",
+									1,
+									{
+										"HorizonBankRotFull",
+										-0.015,
+										-0.035
+									},
+									1
+								}
+							};
+						};
+					};
+					class RadarBoxes
+					{
+						type="radartoview";
+						pos0[]={0.5,0.5};
+						pos10[]={0.73400003,0.73000002};
+						width=2;
+						points[]=
+						{
+							{
+								{-0.0020000001,-0.0019658101},
+								1
+							},
+							{
+								{0.0020000001,-0.0019658101},
+								1
+							},
+							{
+								{0.0020000001,0.0019658101},
+								1
+							},
+							{
+								{-0.0020000001,0.0019658101},
+								1
+							},
+							{
+								{-0.0020000001,-0.0019658101},
+								1
+							}
+						};
+					};
+					class TargetDiamond
+					{
+						class shape
+						{
+							type="line";
+							width=4;
+							points[]=
+							{
+								{
+									"Target",
+									1,
+									"Limit0109",
+									1,
+									{0.02,0.0196581},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"Target",
+									1,
+									"Limit0109",
+									1,
+									{-0.02,0.0196581},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"Target",
+									1,
+									"Limit0109",
+									1,
+									{-0.02,-0.0196581},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"Target",
+									1,
+									"Limit0109",
+									1,
+									{0.02,-0.0196581},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"Target",
+									1,
+									"Limit0109",
+									1,
+									{0.02,0.0196581},
+									1
+								}
+							};
+						};
+					};
+					class TargetLocked
+					{
+						condition="missilelocked";
+						class shape
+						{
+							type="line";
+							width=4;
+							points[]=
+							{
+								{
+									"Target",
+									1,
+									"Limit0109",
+									1,
+									{0,-0.0294872},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"Target",
+									1,
+									"Limit0109",
+									1,
+									{0.029999999,0},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"Target",
+									1,
+									"Limit0109",
+									1,
+									{0,0.0294872},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"Target",
+									1,
+									"Limit0109",
+									1,
+									{-0.029999999,0},
+									1
+								},
+								{
+									"Target",
+									1,
+									"Limit0109",
+									1,
+									{0,-0.0294872},
+									1
+								}
+							};
+						};
+					};
+				};
+			};
+			class HMD_CMPilot: AirplaneHUD
+			{
+				turret[]={-1};
+				class Draw
+				{
+					alpha="user3";
+					color[]=
+					{
+						"user0",
+						"user1",
+						"user2"
+					};
+					condition="(1 - (cameraHeadingDiffY<=-19) + (abs(cameraHeadingDiffX)>=24))*on";
+					class CMName
+					{
+						type="text";
+						source="cmweapon";
+						sourceScale=1;
+						align="left";
+						scale=1;
+						pos[]=
+						{
+							{0.86900002,0.84899998},
+							1
+						};
+						right[]=
+						{
+							{0.91900003,0.84899998},
+							1
+						};
+						down[]=
+						{
+							{0.86900002,0.884},
+							1
+						};
+					};
+					class CMCount
+					{
+						type="text";
+						source="cmammo";
+						sourceScale=1;
+						align="left";
+						scale=1;
+						pos[]=
+						{
+							{0.97899997,0.84899998},
+							1
+						};
+						right[]=
+						{
+							{1.029,0.84899998},
+							1
+						};
+						down[]=
+						{
+							{0.97899997,0.884},
+							1
+						};
+					};
+				};
+			};
+		};

+ 4 - 4
addons - Copy/RD501_Vehicles/land/GAT/config.cpp

@@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ class CfgVehicles
 				radius = 0.25;
-		class Components: Components
+		/*class Components: Components
 			class SensorsManagerComponent
@@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ class CfgVehicles
-		};
+		};*/
 		class Turrets: Turrets
 			class MainTurret: MainTurret
@@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ class CfgVehicles
-				class Components
+				/*class Components
 					class VehicleSystemsDisplayManagerComponentLeft: VehicleSystemsTemplateLeftGunner
@@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ class CfgVehicles
-				};
+				};*/

+ 17 - 2
addons - Copy/RD501_Vehicles/land/dwarf_spider_droid/config.cpp

@@ -55,9 +55,24 @@ class CfgVehicles
-	class 101st_DSD3_Droid;
+	class 101st_DSD3_Droid : StaticMGWeapon
+	{
+		class Turrets: Turrets
+		{
+			class MainTurret: MainTurret
+			{};
+		};
+	};
+	class O_DBA_CIS_DSD3_F : 101st_DSD3_Droid
+	{
+		class Turrets: Turrets
+		{
+			class MainTurret: MainTurret
+			{};
+		};
+	};
-	class macro_new_vehicle(dwarf_spider_droid,MkII): 101st_DSD3_Droid
+	class macro_new_vehicle(dwarf_spider_droid,MkII): O_DBA_CIS_DSD3_F
 		displayName = "Dwarf Spider Droid";
 		scope = 2;

+ 3 - 1
addons - Copy/RD501_Weapons/_ammo/config.cpp

@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ class CfgAmmo
 		indirectHitRange = 5;
 		timeToLive =30;
-		fuseDistance = 3;
+		fuseDistance = 5;
 	class RD501_grenade_emp_ammo: G_40mm_HE
@@ -272,6 +272,8 @@ class CfgAmmo
+		fuseDistance=0;
+		explosionTime=0;
 	class macro_new_ammo(throwable_c_type) : 3AS_CoreDetonator_1RND