1234567891011121314151617 |
- params["_jammers"];
- // Client
- localNamespace setVariable ["rd501_jammers", _jammers];
- diag_log format["[RD501 Jammers][Local Update] Updated jammers to '%1'", _jammers];
- // If we're a client with an interface, and there is no pfh running already, start it.
- if(hasInterface) then {
- private _pfhHandle = player getVariable ["rd501_jammers_pfh", -1];
- if(_pfhHandle isEqualTo -1) then {
- private _handle = [rd501_fnc_jammersClientPFH, 2, []] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;
- player setVariable ["rd501_jammers_pfh", _handle];
- diag_log format["[RD501 Jammers][Local Update] Started client PFH with handle '%1'", _handle];
- _handle
- };
- };