XEH_preInit.sqf 779 B

  1. #include "functions\function_macros.hpp"
  2. LOG("PreInit Begin");
  3. LOG("PREP Begin");
  4. #include "XEH_PREP.sqf"
  5. LOG("PREP Complete");
  6. LOG("Adding CBASettings");
  7. [
  8. QUOTE(GVAR(enabled)),
  9. "CHECKBOX",
  10. [
  11. "Auto Save Radio to all Loadouts",
  12. "Enable/Disable adding radio to all saved ace arsenal loadouts when they're saved"
  13. ],
  14. "ACE Arsenal TFAR Radio Fix",
  15. true,
  16. 0,
  17. {}
  18. ] call CBA_fnc_addSetting;
  19. [
  20. QUOTE(GVAR(radio)),
  21. "EDITBOX",
  22. [
  23. "Radio Identifier",
  24. "The classname of the radio you want to save, can be seen in ace arsenal when hovering over an item -- example: tf_anprc152"
  25. ],
  26. "ACE Arsenal TFAR Radio Fix",
  27. "tf_anprc152"
  28. ] call cba_settings_fnc_init;
  29. LOG("CBASettings Added");
  30. LOG("PreInit Complete");