//Get this addons macro //get the macro for the air macro_patch_name(vehicles) //get generlized macros #include "../../../RD501_main/config_macros.hpp" //General name of the vehicle #define vehicle_addon MTT #define patch_name MODNAME##vehicle_addon##_Patches #define vehicle_classname MODNAME##_##vehicle_addon #define macro_new_mtt_class(name) vehicle_classname##_##name class CfgPatches { class macro_patch_name(vehicle_addon) { addonRootClass=macro_patch_name(vehicles) requiredAddons[]= { macro_patch_name(vehicles) }; requiredVersion=0.1; units[]= { "o_swop_mtt_1" }; weapons[]= { }; }; }; #include "../../common/sensor_templates.hpp" class DefaultEventhandlers; class CfgVehicles { class O_O_SWOP_MTT_base; class o_swop_mtt_1 : O_O_SWOP_MTT_base { class EventHandlers :DefaultEventhandlers{}; class UserActions { class deploy_droids { displayName = "DEPLOY THE DROIDS"; displayNameDefault = "DEPLOY THE DROIDS"; textToolTip = "DEPLOY THE DROIDS"; position = "pilotview"; radius = 20; priority = 21; onlyForPlayer = 1; condition = "!(this getVariable ['RD501_Deployed',false])"; statement = "this call RD501_Main_fnc_mtt_deploy_droids"; shortcut="" }; }; faction = macro_cis_faction editorSubcategory = macro_editor_cat(tank) vehicleClass = macro_editor_vehicle_type(tank) }; };