params[ ["_vic",objNull,[player]], ["_turret_class","",["string"]], ["_position_to_attach",[0,0,0],[[]],3] ]; //if cant sleep if (!canSuspend) exitWith {}; //if vic null if (isNull _vic) exitWith {}; //if no turret class if (_turret_class isEqualTo '') exitWith {}; _disable_sim_time=60; _time_of_select=time; //First w8 until simulation is enabled,check every X seconds. If Y seconds has passed,dont apply script waitUntil { sleep 0.25; ((simulationEnabled _vic) || ((time-_time_of_select)>_disable_sim_time)) }; //If its been in disabled simulation for 60 seconds, dont put turrets if((time-_time_of_select)>_disable_sim_time) exitWith {}; //if no crew,exit if(count(crew _vic) ==0) exitWith {}; //if not the server,exit if (!isServer) exitWith {}; //we put in a delay to allow vehicle to be placed sleep 2; //We check if the vehicle still exists after that X second sleep, incase zeus delets it. if(!(alive _vic)) exitWith{}; //First we make the vehicle invincible to prevent damage _vic allowDamage false; //attach the specified turret to the specified location _created_attached_turret = _turret_class createVehicle (getPosASL _vic); _created_attached_turret attachTo [_vic,_position_to_attach]; //we also make this invincible for a while _created_attached_turret allowDamage false; //Now we create a crew for that vehicle and hide it createVehicleCrew _created_attached_turret; _created_attached_turret hideObjectGlobal true; //Then we save that unit to the vehicle for future use when killed or deleted. _current_attached=_vic getVariable ["rd501_attached_gun_object",[]]; _current_attached pushback _created_attached_turret; _vic setVariable ["rd501_attached_gun_object",_current_attached ,true]; //Then we add an action to remove the turret. [_vic, [ "Disable Turret", { params ["_vic", "_caller", "_actionId", "_arguments"]; _attached_objectes=attachedObjects _vic; { detach _x; deleteVehicle _x; } forEach _attached_objectes; _vic removeAction _actionId; }, [],10,true,false,"","true",5, false, "", "" ] ] remoteExec ["addAction"]; //Now to handle when the vic dies, we do the same logic we did with addaction. We use MP killed cause MP but also because //This EH is clever enough to be triggered globally only once even if added on all clients or a single client that is then disconnected, //EH will still trigger globally only once. _vic addMPEventHandler ["MPKilled", { params ["_vic", "_killer", "_instigator", "_useEffects"]; _attached_objectes=attachedObjects _vic; { detach _x; deleteVehicle _x; } forEach _attached_objectes; _vic setVariable ["rd501_attached_gun_object",[],true]; }]; //Same thing, but for single player _vic addEventHandler ["Killed", { params ["_vic", "_killer", "_instigator", "_useEffects"]; _attached_objectes=attachedObjects _vic; { detach _x; deleteVehicle _x; } forEach _attached_objectes; _vic setVariable ["rd501_attached_gun_object",[],true]; }]; //This is here so that after X seconds the vehicle is killable again. [_vic] spawn { params["_vic_spawn"]; sleep 2; //We check if the vehicle still exists after that X second sleep, incase zeus delets it. if(!(alive _vic_spawn)) exitWith{ }; _vic_spawn allowDamage true; _attached_objectes=attachedObjects _vic_spawn; { _x allowDamage true; } forEach _attached_objectes; };