12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940414243444546 |
- params["_object", "_loopSound", "_loopDuration", "_totalDuration", "_distance"];
- if(!hasInterface) exitWith {
- diag_log "No Interface to play sounds from";
- };
- if(isNil "_object" || !alive _object) exitWith {
- diag_log "No target object to play remote sound";
- };
- private _currentSource = _object getVariable ["rd501_fired_deployable_loopSoundSource", objNull];
- if(!(isNil "_currentSource") && !(_currentSource isEqualTo objNull)) exitWith {
- diag_log "Source already exists, removing";
- detach _currentSource;
- deleteVehicle _currentSource;
- _object setVariable ["rd501_fired_deployable_loopSoundSource", objNull, false];
- [_object, _loopSound, _loopDuration, _totalDuration, _distance] call rd501_fnc_fired_deployable_loopSoundLocal;
- };
- _currentSource = "#dynamicsound" createVehicleLocal ASLToAGL getPosWorld _object;
- _currentSource attachTo [_object, [0, 0, 0]];
- _object setVariable ["rd501_fired_deployable_loopSoundSource", _currentSource, false];
- private _repeats = ceil (_totalDuration / _loopDuration);
- for "_i" from 0 to _repeats step 1 do {
- private _delay = ((_loopDuration * _i) - 0.1) max 0.1;
- private _last = _repeats == _i;
- diag_log format["Queuing Up Repeat %1 for delay %2", _i, _delay];
- [
- {
- params["_currentSource", "_loopSound", "_distance", "_last"];
- if(isNil "_currentSource" || !alive _currentSource) exitWith { diag_log "No Source, Exiting." };
- [_currentSource, player] say3D [_loopSound, _distance, 1, false];
- if(_last) then {
- diag_log "Last Loop, Deleting";
- detach _currentSource;
- deleteVehicle _currentSource;
- };
- },
- [_currentSource, _loopSound, _distance, _last],
- _delay
- ] call CBA_fnc_waitAndExecute;
- };
- _currentSource