common_copilot.hpp 489 B

  1. ballisticsComputer = 1+8;
  2. allowTabLock = 1;
  3. showCrewAim = 4;
  4. canUseScanner = 1;
  5. stabilizedInAxes = 3;
  6. minTurn=-45;
  7. maxTurn=45;
  8. maxXRotSpeed=10.30000001;
  9. maxYRotSpeed=10.30000001;
  10. pilotOpticsShowCursor=1;
  11. controllable=1;
  12. minElev = -90; /// what is the lowest possible elevation of the turret
  13. maxElev = 50; /// what is the highest possible elevation of the turret
  14. initElev = 0;
  15. weapons[] = {macro_new_weapon(cannon,laat)};
  16. magazines[] = {macro_new_mag(laat_cannon,100)};