description.ext 18 KB

  1. enableDebugConsole = 1;
  2. allowFunctionsLog = 1;
  3. joinUnassigned = 0;
  4. class Header
  5. {
  6. gameType = COOP;
  7. minPlayers = 1;
  8. maxPlayers = 40;
  9. };
  10. class CfgRespawnTemplates
  11. {
  12. class AW_MenuInventory
  13. {
  14. onPlayerKilled = "AW_fnc_respawnMenuInventory";
  15. onPlayerRespawn = "AW_fnc_respawnMenuInventory";
  16. };
  17. };
  18. //respawn = "BASE";
  19. //respawnDelay = 5;
  20. //respawnTemplates[] = {"Counter", "MenuPosition", "AW_MenuInventory"};
  21. Respawn = 3; // 0 = none. 1 = bird. 2 = instant where died. 3 = base or respawn_west marker. 4 = respawn with team, or bird. 5 = into AI or bird.
  22. RespawnDelay = 4; // Delay prior to respawn, ensure longer than BTC revive delay.
  23. RespawnDialog = 0; // default = 1. show respawn timer and scoreboard when killed.
  24. class Params
  25. {
  26. class title1
  27. {
  28. title = "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Generic Settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~";
  29. values[] = {0};
  30. texts[] = {""};
  31. default = 0;
  32. };
  33. class startTimeHour
  34. {
  35. title = "Which hour should we start the mission on?";
  36. values[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23};
  37. texts[] = {"00:00", "01:00", "02:00", "03:00", "04:00", "05:00", "06:00", "07:00", "08:00", "09:00", "10:00", "11:00", "12:00", "13:00", "14:00", "15:00", "16:00", "17:00", "18:00", "19:00", "20:00", "21:00", "22:00", "23:00"};
  38. default = 6;
  39. };
  40. class startTimeMinutes
  41. {
  42. title = "How many minutes past the hour should the mission start?";
  43. values[] = {0, 0.08, 0.17, 0.25, 0.33, 0.42, 0.5, 0.58, 0.67, 0.75, 0.83, 0.92};
  44. texts[] = {"None", "5 minutes", "10 minutes", "15 minutes", "20 minutes", "25 minutes", "30 minutes", "35 minutes", "40 minutes", "45 minutes", "50 minutes", "55 minutes"};
  45. default = 0;
  46. };
  47. class pilotRestrictions
  48. {
  49. title = "Who is allowed to fly?";
  50. values[] = {0, 1, 2, 3};
  51. texts[] = {"Everyone", "Pilots", "Administrators", "Pilots & Administrators"};
  52. default = 1;
  53. };
  54. class bodyLimit
  55. {
  56. title = "Maximum number of dead bodies on the map";
  57. values[] = {5, 10, 20, 50, 75, 100, 200};
  58. texts[] = {"5", "10", "20", "50 (Recommended)", "75", "100", "200 (NOT recommended)"};
  59. default = 50;
  60. };
  61. class restrictWeapons
  62. {
  63. title = "Should we restrict weaponry to their relevant classes?";
  64. values[] = {0, 1};
  65. texts[] = {"No", "Yes"};
  66. default = 1;
  67. };
  68. class gap1
  69. {
  70. title = "";
  71. values[] = {0};
  72. texts[] = {""};
  73. default = 0;
  74. };
  75. class gap2
  76. {
  77. title = "";
  78. values[] = {0};
  79. texts[] = {""};
  80. default = 0;
  81. };
  82. class title2
  83. {
  84. title = "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bases ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~";
  85. values[] = {0};
  86. texts[] = {""};
  87. default = 0;
  88. };
  89. class base_gracePeriod
  90. {
  91. title = "Grace period given to new bases before they're vulnerable to attack";
  92. values[] = {0, 300, 600, 900};
  93. texts[] = {"None (counter-attacks are fun, right?)", "5 minutes", "10 minutes", "15 minutes"};
  94. default = 0;
  95. };
  96. class base_basesOwnedBeforeAttacks
  97. {
  98. title = "Number of bases that must be owned before bases are vulnerable to attack";
  99. values[] = {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10};
  100. texts[] = {"2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10"};
  101. default = 2;
  102. };
  103. class base_minTimeBeforeAttack
  104. {
  105. title = "Minimum time between base attacks";
  106. values[] = {5, 900, 1800, 2700, 3600, 4500, 5400, 6300, 7200};
  107. texts[] = {"5 seconds (DEV)", "15 minutes", "30 minutes", "45 minutes", "1 hour", "1 hour 15 minutes", "1 hour 30 minutes", "1 hour 45 minutes", "2 hours"};
  108. default = 1800;
  109. };
  110. class base_maxTimeBeforeAttack
  111. {
  112. title = "Maximum time between base attacks (must be larger than minimum time)";
  113. values[] = {5, 900, 1800, 2700, 3600, 4500, 5400, 6300, 7200};
  114. texts[] = {"5 seconds (DEV)", "15 minutes", "30 minutes", "45 minutes", "1 hour", "1 hour 15 minutes", "1 hour 30 minutes", "1 hour 45 minutes", "2 hours"};
  115. default = 5400;
  116. };
  117. class gap3
  118. {
  119. title = "";
  120. values[] = {0};
  121. texts[] = {""};
  122. default = 0;
  123. };
  124. class gap4
  125. {
  126. title = "";
  127. values[] = {0};
  128. texts[] = {""};
  129. default = 0;
  130. };
  131. class title3
  132. {
  133. title = "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Main AOs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~";
  134. values[] = {0};
  135. texts[] = {""};
  136. default = 0;
  137. };
  138. class subUnique
  139. {
  140. title = "Should Sub-Objectives be unique?";
  141. values[] = {0, 1};
  142. texts[] = {"No", "Yes"};
  143. default = 0;
  144. };
  145. class main_minSubObjectivesToSpawn
  146. {
  147. title = "Minimum amount of Sub-Objectives to spawn";
  148. values[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
  149. texts[] = {"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5"};
  150. default = 1;
  151. };
  152. class main_maxSubObjectivesToSpawn
  153. {
  154. title = "Maximum amount of Sub-Objectives to spawn";
  155. values[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
  156. texts[] = {"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5"};
  157. default = 3;
  158. };
  159. class subRadius
  160. {
  161. title = "How large an area should Sub-Objectives cover?";
  162. values[] = {50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500};
  163. texts[] = {"50m", "100m", "200m", "250m", "300m", "350m", "400m", "450m", "500m"};
  164. default = 50;
  165. };
  166. class gap5
  167. {
  168. title = "";
  169. values[] = {0};
  170. texts[] = {""};
  171. default = 0;
  172. };
  173. class gap6
  174. {
  175. title = "";
  176. values[] = {0};
  177. texts[] = {""};
  178. default = 0;
  179. };
  180. class title4
  181. {
  182. title = "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tactical Missions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~";
  183. values[] = {0};
  184. texts[] = {""};
  185. default = 0;
  186. };
  187. class tacticalMissionsEnabled
  188. {
  189. title = "Enable Tactical Missions?";
  190. values[] = {0, 1};
  191. texts[] = {"No", "Yes"};
  192. default = 1;
  193. };
  194. class tacticalNumber
  195. {
  196. title = "Amount of Tactical Missions being created at random";
  197. values[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
  198. texts[] = {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5"};
  199. default = 2;
  200. };
  201. class tacticalUnique
  202. {
  203. title = "Should Tactical Missions be unique? (i.e. no duplicates on the map)";
  204. values[] = {0, 1};
  205. texts[] = {"No", "Yes"};
  206. default = 0;
  207. };
  208. class tacticaRadius
  209. {
  210. title = "How large an area should Tactical Missions cover?";
  211. values[] = {50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500};
  212. texts[] = {"50m", "100m", "200m", "250m", "300m", "350m", "400m", "450m", "500m"};
  213. default = 300;
  214. };
  215. class tacticalMinTimeBeforeNext
  216. {
  217. title = "Minimum time between Tactical Missions spawning";
  218. values[] = {5, 900, 1800, 2700, 3600, 4500, 5400, 6300, 7200};
  219. texts[] = {"5 seconds (DEV)", "15 minutes", "30 minutes", "45 minutes", "1 hour", "1 hour 15 minutes", "1 hour 30 minutes", "1 hour 45 minutes", "2 hours"};
  220. default = 900;
  221. };
  222. class tacticalMaxTimeBeforeNext
  223. {
  224. title = "Maximum time between Tactical Missions spawning";
  225. values[] = {60, 900, 1800, 2700, 3600, 4500, 5400, 6300, 7200};
  226. texts[] = {"1 minute (DEV)", "15 minutes", "30 minutes", "45 minutes", "1 hour", "1 hour 15 minutes", "1 hour 30 minutes", "1 hour 45 minutes", "2 hours"};
  227. default = 3600;
  228. };
  229. class gap7
  230. {
  231. title = "";
  232. values[] = {0};
  233. texts[] = {""};
  234. default = 0;
  235. };
  236. class gap8
  237. {
  238. title = "";
  239. values[] = {0};
  240. texts[] = {""};
  241. default = 0;
  242. };
  243. class title5
  244. {
  245. title = "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Priority Targets ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~";
  246. values[] = {0};
  247. texts[] = {""};
  248. default = 0;
  249. };
  250. class priorityMissionsEnabled
  251. {
  252. title = "Enable Priority Targets?";
  253. values[] = {0, 1};
  254. texts[] = {"No", "Yes"};
  255. default = 1;
  256. };
  257. class priorityNumber
  258. {
  259. title = "Amount of Priority Targets being created at random";
  260. values[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
  261. texts[] = {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5"};
  262. default = 2;
  263. };
  264. class priorityUnique
  265. {
  266. title = "Should Priority Targets be unique? (i.e. no duplicates on the map)";
  267. values[] = {0, 1};
  268. texts[] = {"No", "Yes"};
  269. default = 0;
  270. };
  271. class priorityMinTimeBeforeNext
  272. {
  273. title = "Minimum time between Priority Targets spawning";
  274. values[] = {5, 1800, 2700, 3600, 4500, 5400, 6300, 7200};
  275. texts[] = {"5 seconds (DEV)", "30 minutes", "45 minutes", "1 hour", "1 hour 15 minutes", "1 hour 30 minutes", "1 hour 45 minutes", "2 hours"};
  276. default = 1800;
  277. };
  278. class priorityMaxTimeBeforeNext
  279. {
  280. title = "Maximum time between Priority Targets spawning";
  281. values[] = {60, 1800, 2700, 3600, 4500, 5400, 6300, 7200};
  282. texts[] = {"1 minute (DEV)", "30 minutes", "45 minutes", "1 hour", "1 hour 15 minutes", "1 hour 30 minutes", "1 hour 45 minutes", "2 hours"};
  283. default = 7200;
  284. };
  285. class priorityWarnBeforeAttack
  286. {
  287. title = "Should players be warned before a Priority Target engages?";
  288. values[] = {0, 1};
  289. texts[] = {"No", "Yes"};
  290. default = 1;
  291. };
  292. class priorityMinTimeBeforeAttack
  293. {
  294. title = "Minimum time bewteen Priority Target fire (if applicable)";
  295. values[] = {60, 75, 90, 105, 120, 135, 150, 165, 180, 195, 210, 225, 240, 255, 270, 285, 300};
  296. texts[] = {"1 minute", "1 minute 15 seconds", "1 minute 30 seconds", "1 minute 45 seconds", "2 minutes", "2 minutes 15 seconds", "2 minutes 30 seconds", "2 minutes 45 seconds", "3 minutes", "3 minutes 15 seconds", "3 minutes 30 seconds", "3 minutes 45 seconds", "4 minutes", "4 minutes 15 seconds", "4 minutes 30 seconds", "4 minutes 45 seconds", "5 minutes"};
  297. default = 60;
  298. };
  299. class priorityMaxTimeBeforeAttack
  300. {
  301. title = "Maximum time bewteen Priority Target fire (if applicable)";
  302. values[] = {60, 75, 90, 105, 120, 135, 150, 165, 180, 195, 210, 225, 240, 255, 270, 285, 300};
  303. texts[] = {"1 minute", "1 minute 15 seconds", "1 minute 30 seconds", "1 minute 45 seconds", "2 minutes", "2 minutes 15 seconds", "2 minutes 30 seconds", "2 minutes 45 seconds", "3 minutes", "3 minutes 15 seconds", "3 minutes 30 seconds", "3 minutes 45 seconds", "4 minutes", "4 minutes 15 seconds", "4 minutes 30 seconds", "4 minutes 45 seconds", "5 minutes"};
  304. default = 180;
  305. };
  306. class priorityChanceToUseAPShells
  307. {
  308. title = "The percent chance for enemy artillery to use AP shells in Priority Target missions";
  309. values[] = {0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1};
  310. texts[] = {"0%", "10%", "20%", "30%", "40%", "50%", "60%", "70%", "80%", "90%", "100%"};
  311. default = 0.2;
  312. };
  313. class gap9
  314. {
  315. title = "";
  316. values[] = {0};
  317. texts[] = {""};
  318. default = 0;
  319. };
  320. class gap10
  321. {
  322. title = "";
  323. values[] = {0};
  324. texts[] = {""};
  325. default = 0;
  326. };
  327. class title6
  328. {
  329. title = "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ghost Missions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~";
  330. values[] = {0};
  331. texts[] = {""};
  332. default = 0;
  333. };
  334. class ghostMissionsEnabled
  335. {
  336. title = "Enable Ghost Missions?";
  337. values[] = {0, 1};
  338. texts[] = {"No", "Yes"};
  339. default = 1;
  340. };
  341. class ghostNumber
  342. {
  343. title = "Amount of Ghost Missions being created at random";
  344. values[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
  345. texts[] = {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5"};
  346. default = 2;
  347. };
  348. class ghostUnique
  349. {
  350. title = "Should Ghost Missions be unique? (i.e. no duplicates on the map)";
  351. values[] = {0, 1};
  352. texts[] = {"No", "Yes"};
  353. default = 0;
  354. };
  355. class ghostRadius
  356. {
  357. title = "How large an area should Ghost Missions cover?";
  358. values[] = {50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500};
  359. texts[] = {"50m", "100m", "200m", "250m", "300m", "350m", "400m", "450m", "500m"};
  360. default = 300;
  361. };
  362. class ghostMinTimeBeforeNext
  363. {
  364. title = "Minimum time between Ghost Missions spawning";
  365. values[] = {900, 1800, 2700, 3600, 4500, 5400, 6300, 7200};
  366. texts[] = {"15 minutes", "30 minutes", "45 minutes", "1 hour", "1 hour 15 minutes", "1 hour 30 minutes", "1 hour 45 minutes", "2 hours"};
  367. default = 900;
  368. };
  369. class ghostMaxTimeBeforeNext
  370. {
  371. title = "Maximum time between Ghost Missions spawning";
  372. values[] = {900, 1800, 2700, 3600, 4500, 5400, 6300, 7200};
  373. texts[] = {"15 minutes", "30 minutes", "45 minutes", "1 hour", "1 hour 15 minutes", "1 hour 30 minutes", "1 hour 45 minutes", "2 hours"};
  374. default = 3600;
  375. };
  376. };
  377. author = "Rarek [AW]";
  378. overviewText = "Invade & Annex is the ever-popular co-operative game-mode allowing players to unite to overcome an increasingly-large OPFOR force. I&A 3 hails in tonnes of new content in an all-new, perfectly co-operative experience. Go on; give it a go.";
  379. OnLoadName = "AW Invade & Annex 3";
  380. OnLoadMission = "Invade & Annex is an ever-popular co-operative game-mode allowing players to unite to overcome an increasingly-large OPFOR force. See for more information.";
  381. loadScreen = "images\loadingScreen.jpg";
  382. overviewPicture = "images\loadingScreen.jpg";
  383. //disabledAI = 1;
  384. //#include "VAS\menu.hpp"
  385. class CfgFunctions
  386. {
  387. #include "VAS\cfgfunctions.hpp"
  388. class AW
  389. {
  390. tag = "AW";
  391. class general
  392. {
  393. file = "functions\generic";
  394. class startMission { description = "Starts a mission with 4 given parameters."; };
  395. class childrenComplete { description = "Returns whether or not a task's child tasks are complete."; };
  396. class findSpace { description = "Finds space using a variety of parameters; designed for Tactical Mission / Priority Target development."; };
  397. class getFuzzyPos { description = "Gets a random position within a given radius."; };
  398. class updateMission { description = "Updates missions!"; };
  399. class setFSMVariable { description = "Sets FSM variables exclusively on the server."; };
  400. class randomPosTrigger { description = "Finds a random position within a trigger/marker area."; };
  401. };
  402. class bases
  403. {
  404. file = "functions\bases";
  405. class baseSpawn { description = "This better work!"; };
  406. class findNearestBase { description = "Finds the nearest base to the given position."; };
  407. };
  408. class garbage
  409. {
  410. file = "functions\garbage";
  411. class addDead { description = "Buries dead objects once the body limit is reahed."; };
  412. class collectGarbage { description = "Cleans up given/all groups / dead units."; };
  413. };
  414. class players
  415. {
  416. file = "functions\players";
  417. class givePoints { description = "Gives points to a player with an optional notification"; };
  418. class showNotification { description = "Shows the desired notification"; };
  419. class playSound { description = "Plays sounds globally."; };
  420. class setRadioChannels { description = "Sets up radio channels on servers/clients."; };
  421. class getRoleItems { description = "Gets all role-exclusive items."; };
  422. class respawnMenuInventory { description = "A tweaked version of BIS_fnc_respawnMenuInventory to allow for role assignment."; };
  423. };
  424. class units
  425. {
  426. file = "functions\units";
  427. class spawnEnemy { description = "Spawns the required amount of enemies"; };
  428. class setBehaviour { description = "Sets behaviour of given troops."; };
  429. class createVehicle { description = "Creates a vehicle and adds a KILLED EH, passing the object to AW_fnc_addDead."; };
  430. class respawnVehicle { description = "Handles the respawning of vehicles in friendly bases alongside their relevant markers."; };
  431. };
  432. class markers
  433. {
  434. file = "functions\markers";
  435. class createJIPstateMarker { description = "Creates a marker using a specific template."; };
  436. class deleteMarker { description = "Handles JIP-compatible deletion of markers."; };
  437. class JIPmarkers { description = "Allows JIPPs to create local versions of globally-existing markers."; };
  438. class addJIPmarker { description = "Adds a marker to the JIP marker array."; };
  439. class attachMarker { description = "Attach a marker to an object until either death or a specified condition."; };
  440. };
  441. class actions
  442. {
  443. file = "functions\actions";
  444. class createAction { description = "Creates a JIP-compatible action on the client and triggers clients to create the action themselves."; };
  445. class deleteAction { description = "Deletes a damned action!"; };
  446. class JIPactions { description = "Allows JIPPs to create already-existing actions on their own machines."; };
  447. };
  448. };
  449. };
  450. class CfgRespawnInventory
  451. {
  452. #include "config\roles.hpp"
  453. };
  454. class CfgNotifications
  455. {
  456. #include "config\notifications\main.hpp"
  457. #include "config\notifications\base.hpp"
  458. #include "config\notifications\tactical.hpp"
  459. #include "config\notifications\sub.hpp"
  460. #include "config\notifications\priority.hpp"
  461. #include "config\notifications\ghost.hpp"
  462. #include "config\notifications\emplacement.hpp"
  463. #include "config\notifications\misc.hpp"
  464. };
  465. class CfgMarkers
  466. {
  467. class base
  468. {
  469. #include "config\markers\base.hpp"
  470. };
  471. class main
  472. {
  473. #include "config\markers\main.hpp"
  474. };
  475. class priority
  476. {
  477. #include "config\markers\priority.hpp"
  478. };
  479. class tactical
  480. {
  481. #include "config\markers\tactical.hpp"
  482. };
  483. class emplacement
  484. {
  485. #include "config\markers\emplacement.hpp"
  486. };
  487. class sub
  488. {
  489. #include "config\markers\sub.hpp"
  490. };
  491. class misc
  492. {
  493. #include "config\markers\misc.hpp"
  494. };
  495. class veh_respawn
  496. {
  497. #include "config\markers\veh_respawn.hpp"
  498. };
  499. };
  500. class CfgHints
  501. {
  502. class Base
  503. {
  504. displayName = "Bases";
  505. #include "config\hints\base.hpp"
  506. };
  507. class Main
  508. {
  509. displayName = "Main AOs";
  510. #include "config\hints\main.hpp"
  511. };
  512. class Tactical
  513. {
  514. displayName = "Tactical Missions";
  515. #include "config\hints\tactical.hpp"
  516. };
  517. class Priority
  518. {
  519. displayName = "Priority Targets";
  520. #include "config\hints\priority.hpp"
  521. };
  522. class Ghost
  523. {
  524. displayName = "Ghost Missions";
  525. #include "config\hints\ghost.hpp"
  526. };
  527. class Sub
  528. {
  529. displayName = "Sub-Objectives";
  530. #include "config\hints\sub.hpp"
  531. };
  532. };
  533. class CfgSounds
  534. {
  535. sounds[] = {};
  536. #include "missions\tactical\getDocuments\config\CfgSounds.hpp"
  537. };
  538. class CfgRadio
  539. {
  540. sounds[] = {};
  541. #include "sounds\radio\hq.hpp"
  542. };
  543. class AW_base
  544. {
  545. #include "config\base.hpp"
  546. };
  547. class AW_ghost
  548. {
  549. #include "config\ghost.hpp"
  550. };
  551. class AW_main
  552. {
  553. #include "config\main.hpp"
  554. };
  555. class AW_priority
  556. {
  557. #include "config\priority.hpp"
  558. };
  559. class AW_sub
  560. {
  561. #include "config\sub.hpp"
  562. };
  563. class AW_tactical
  564. {
  565. #include "config\tactical.hpp"
  566. };
  567. class AW_rewards
  568. {
  569. #include "config\rewards.hpp"
  570. };
  571. class enemy
  572. {
  573. #include "config\enemy.hpp"
  574. };
  575. class AW_radio
  576. {
  577. #include "config\radios.hpp"
  578. };
  579. class RscTitles
  580. {
  581. #include "config\logo.hpp"
  582. };