123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155 |
- #include "config_macros.hpp"
- //Run the jumppack script
- [] spawn {
- [] spawn compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'macro_mod_script_path\jumppack\jumppack.sqf';
- sleep 0.5;
- call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'macro_mod_script_path\jumppack\jumppack_effects.sqf';
- };
- // Add nightvision event handler
- call macro_fnc_name(nightvision);
- #define QWEAP_NOFAM(name) macro_quote(macro_new_weapon_nofam(name))
- #define QWEAP_LAUNCH(name) macro_quote(macro_new_weapon(launcher,name))
- // Drone Recharge
- RD501_DRONE_BATTERY = "lightsaberG_swing";
- //Force Walk
- RD501_FORCE_WALK_WEAPONS = [macro_quote(macro_new_weapon_nofam(z1000))];
- ["weapon", macro_fnc_name(heavyWeaponHandlePlayerWeaponChanged)] call CBA_fnc_addPlayerEventHandler;
- //Auto Reload On Equip
- ["weapon", macro_fnc_name(reloadWeaponOnFirstSelected)] call CBA_fnc_addPlayerEventHandler;
- // Magclamp
- call macro_fnc_name(magclamp);
- // Check every second for if the Loading Screen is still up and forcibly end it.
- _fnc_endLoadingScreen = {
- params ["_args", "_handle"];
- systemChat format["Ending LoadingScreen [Handle %1]", _handle];
- endLoadingScreen;
- _stillLoading = call BIS_fnc_isLoading;
- if(!_stillLoading) exitWith {
- [_handle] call CBA_fnc_removePerFrameHandler;
- };
- };
- [_fnc_endLoadingScreen, 5, []] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;
- // Flip Backpack
- rd501_flip_vehicle_validBackpacks = ["RD501_JLTS_Clone_Flip_backpack"];
- ["rd501_external_reload", { _this call rd501_fnc_onReloadExternalHandler }, []] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandlerArgs;
- // Fortify Tool Adjustments
- call macro_fnc_name(fortify_tool);
- // Medical CCP Building
- rd501_medical_ccp_building = "Land_Medevac_house_V1_F";
- rd501_medical_ccp_classes = ["Land_Medevac_house_V1_F"];
- rd501_medical_ccp_stitchDurationSeconds = 10;
- rd501_medical_ccp_bandageDurationSeconds = 10;
- ["rd501_medical_ccp_incrementStitch",{
- _this call rd501_fnc_incrementStitchProgress
- }] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
- ["rd501_medical_ccp_incrementBandage",{
- _this call rd501_fnc_incrementBandageProgress
- }] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
- ["rd501_medical_ccp_deployCCPLocal", {
- _this call rd501_fnc_deployCCPLocal;
- }] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
- ["rd501_medical_ccp_deployCCPServer", {
- _this call rd501_fnc_deployCCPServer;
- }] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
- // Surrender stun
- call macro_fnc_name(stun);
- // Jammers
- ["rd501_addJammerLocal", {
- _this call rd501_fnc_addJammerLocal
- }] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
- ["rd501_jammerServerPFH", {
- [{
- _this call rd501_fnc_jammersServerPFH
- }, 1] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;
- }] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
- // Grenade Deployables
- ["ace_firedPlayer", {
- params["_unit", "_weapon", "_muzzle", "_mode", "_ammo", "_magazine", "_projectile"];
- if (isNull _projectile) then {
- _projectile = nearestObject [_unit, _ammo];
- };
- private _config = configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _ammo;
- if (getNumber (_config >> "rd501_grenade_deployable") == 1) then {
- private _deployable = getText (_config >> "rd501_grenade_deployable_object");
- private _ttl = getNumber (_config >> "rd501_grenade_deployable_timeToLive");
- if(isNil "_ttl") then {
- _ttl = -1;
- };
- [
- {
- params["_projectile", "_deployable"];
- private _speed = vectorMagnitude (velocity _projectile);
- !(isNil "_projectile") && (alive _projectile) && _speed <= 0.1
- },
- {
- params["_projectile", "_deployable", "_timeToLive"];
- private _position = getPosATL _projectile;
- private _deployed = createVehicle [_deployable, _position, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
- _deployed setPosATL _position;
- deleteVehicle _projectile;
- if(_timeToLive > 0) then {
- [
- {
- params["_deployed"];
- deleteVehicle _deployed;
- },
- [_deployed],
- _timeToLive
- ] call CBA_fnc_waitAndExecute;
- };
- },
- [_projectile, _deployable, _ttl, _magazine, _unit],
- 10,
- {
- params["", "", "", "_magazine", "_unit"];
- systemChat "Something went wrong with your order, we apologise for the inconvenience.";
- systemChat "Please file all complaints with Mirror at the Aux Office.";
- [
- {
- params["_unit", "_mag"];
- _unit addItem _mag;
- systemChat "We've attached a complementary replacement if you had any inventory space.";
- },
- [_unit, _magazine],
- 2
- ] call CBA_fnc_waitAndExecute;
- }
- ] call CBA_fnc_waitUntilAndExecute;
- };
- }] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
- // Prevent Dismount on all Zeus Placed Items
- {
- private _idx = _x addEventHandler ["CuratorObjectPlaced", {
- params ["_curator","_entity"];
- if!(_entity isKindOf "Man") then {
- _entity allowCrewInImmobile true;
- _entity setVehicleLock "LOCKED";
- {
- _x disableAI "FSM";
- _x setBehaviour "CARELESS";
- } forEach crew _entity;
- };
- }];
- _x setVariable ["rd501_curator_dismount_disable_index", _idx, false];
- } forEach allCurators;