config.cpp 5.1 KB

  1. //Get this addons macro
  2. //get the macro for the air macro_patch_name(vehicles)
  3. //get generlized macros
  4. #include "../../../RD501_main/config_macros.hpp"
  5. class CfgPatches
  6. {
  7. class macro_patch_name(bantha)
  8. {
  9. addonRootClass=macro_patch_name(vehicles)
  10. requiredAddons[]=
  11. {
  12. macro_patch_name(vehicles)
  13. };
  14. requiredVersion=0.1;
  15. units[]=
  16. {
  17. macro_new_vehicle(bantha,501st_MkI)
  18. };
  19. weapons[]=
  20. {
  21. };
  22. };
  23. };
  24. #include "../../common/sensor_templates.hpp"
  25. class DefaultEventhandlers ;
  26. class CfgVehicles
  27. {
  28. class Car_F;
  29. class Wheeled_APC_F : Car_F
  30. {
  31. class turrets;
  32. };
  33. class 212th_APC_Wheeled_01_base_F : Wheeled_APC_F
  34. {
  35. class Turrets: Turrets
  36. {
  37. class MainTurret;
  38. };
  39. }
  40. class 212th_B_APC_Wheeled_01_base_F : 212th_APC_Wheeled_01_base_F
  41. {
  42. class Turrets: Turrets
  43. {
  44. class MainTurret;
  45. };
  46. }
  47. class 212th_B_APC_Wheeled_01_cannon_F : 212th_B_APC_Wheeled_01_base_F
  48. {
  49. class Turrets: Turrets
  50. {
  51. class MainTurret;
  52. };
  53. };
  54. class 212th_B_APC_Wheeled_01_cannon_F_OCimport_01 : 212th_B_APC_Wheeled_01_cannon_F
  55. {
  56. class HitPoints;
  57. class Turrets: Turrets
  58. {
  59. class MainTurret:MainTurret
  60. {
  61. class HitPoints;
  62. class turrets;
  63. };
  64. };
  65. };
  66. class 212th_B_APC_Wheeled_01_cannon_F_OCimport_02 : 212th_B_APC_Wheeled_01_cannon_F_OCimport_01
  67. {
  68. class HitPoints: HitPoints
  69. {
  70. class HitBody;
  71. class HitEngine;
  72. class HitFuel;
  73. class HitHull;
  74. };
  75. class Turrets: Turrets
  76. {
  77. class MainTurret:MainTurret
  78. {
  79. class HitPoints:HitPoints
  80. {
  81. class HitTurret;
  82. class HitGun;
  83. };
  84. class turrets: turrets
  85. {
  86. class commanderoptics;
  87. };
  88. };
  89. };
  90. };
  91. class macro_new_vehicle(bantha,501st_MkI):212th_B_APC_Wheeled_01_cannon_F_OCimport_02
  92. {
  93. armor = 600;//320;
  94. armorStructural = 5;
  95. htMax = 1800;
  96. htMin = 60;
  97. minTotalDamageThreshold = 0.001;
  98. explosionShielding = 1;
  99. crewVulnerable = false;
  100. crewCrashProtection = 0;
  101. ace_repair_canRepair =1;
  102. memoryPointLMissile[] = {"Rocket_1","Rocket_2"};
  103. memoryPointRMissile[] = {"Rocket_2","Rocket_1"};
  104. scope=2;
  105. scopeCurator=2;
  106. displayName="Bantha (501st) Mk.I (Mynock)";
  107. hiddenSelectionsTextures[]=
  108. {
  109. "RD501_Vehicles\textures\bantha\bantha_ext01_mynock_co.paa",
  110. "RD501_Vehicles\textures\bantha\bantha_tire_mynock_co.paa",
  111. "RD501_Vehicles\textures\bantha\bantha_turret_mynock_co.paa",
  112. "RD501_Vehicles\textures\bantha\bantha_int01_mynock_co.paa",
  113. };
  114. faction = macro_republic_faction
  115. editorSubcategory = macro_editor_cat(APC)
  116. vehicleClass = macro_editor_vehicle_type(APC)
  117. slingLoadCargoMemoryPoints[] = {
  118. "wheel_1_1_axis","wheel_1_2_axis","wheel_1_3_axis","wheel_1_4_axis","wheel_1_5_axis",
  119. "wheel_2_1_axis","wheel_2_2_axis","wheel_2_3_axis","wheel_2_4_axis","wheel_2_5_axis",
  120. "light_l_flare","light_l_flare2",
  121. "light_r_flare","light_r_flare2",
  122. "commander_turret_axis",
  123. "engineeffectl","engineeffectr"
  124. };
  125. slingLoadCargoMemoryPointsDir[] = {};
  126. class EventHandlers
  127. {
  128. init = "[_this select 0] execVM 'RD501_Vehicles\_init_functions\wheel_dmg.sqf';";
  129. };
  130. class HitPoints: HitPoints
  131. {
  132. class HitBody: HitBody//basicly the armor
  133. {
  134. armor = 3.5;
  135. material = -1;
  136. name = "karoserie";
  137. visual = "zbytek";
  138. passThrough = 0.35;
  139. minimalHit = 0.1;
  140. explosionShielding = 0.45;
  141. radius = 0.3;
  142. };
  143. class HitEngine: HitEngine // hit front red for death
  144. {
  145. armor = 3.5;//1.9;
  146. material = -1;
  147. name = "motor";
  148. passThrough = 0.2;
  149. minimalHit = 0.1;
  150. explosionShielding = 0.4;
  151. radius = 0.3;
  152. };
  153. class HitFuel: HitFuel
  154. {
  155. armor = 3.5;//1.4;
  156. material = -1;
  157. name = "palivo";
  158. passThrough = 0.3;
  159. minimalHit = 0.1;
  160. explosionShielding = 0.4;
  161. radius = 0.3;
  162. };
  163. class HitHull: HitHull
  164. {
  165. armor = 3.5;//2.2;
  166. material = -1;
  167. name = "palivo";
  168. passThrough = 0.4;
  169. minimalHit = 0.1;
  170. explosionShielding = 0.2;
  171. radius = 0.3;
  172. };
  173. };
  174. class Turrets: Turrets
  175. {
  176. class MainTurret:MainTurret
  177. {
  178. weapons[] = {"SCI_autocannon_Z20_HBB","missiles_DAGR","missiles_titan"};
  179. magazines[] = {"SCI_500Rnd_Z20_HBB","SCI_500Rnd_Z20_HBB","SCI_500Rnd_Z20_HBB","SCI_500Rnd_Z20_HBB","12Rnd_PG_missiles","2Rnd_GAT_missiles"};
  180. class HitPoints:HitPoints
  181. {
  182. class HitTurret:HitTurret
  183. {
  184. armor = 13;//1
  185. };
  186. class HitGun:HitGun
  187. {
  188. armor = 13;//0.7;
  189. };
  190. };
  191. class turrets:turrets
  192. {
  193. class commanderoptics:commanderoptics
  194. {
  195. weapons[] = {"CMFlareLauncher","SmokeLauncher","212th_arifle_VALKEN38A_F","Laserdesignator_vehicle"};
  196. magazines[] = {"300Rnd_CMFlare_Chaff_Magazine","SmokeLauncherMag","SmokeLauncherMag","SmokeLauncherMag","SmokeLauncherMag","SmokeLauncherMag","212th_200Rnd_VALKEN38SAW_mag","212th_200Rnd_VALKEN38SAW_mag","212th_200Rnd_VALKEN38SAW_mag","212th_200Rnd_VALKEN38SAW_mag","212th_200Rnd_VALKEN38SAW_mag","212th_200Rnd_VALKEN38SAW_mag","212th_200Rnd_VALKEN38SAW_mag","212th_200Rnd_VALKEN38SAW_mag","212th_200Rnd_VALKEN38SAW_mag","212th_200Rnd_VALKEN38SAW_mag","212th_200Rnd_VALKEN38SAW_mag","Laserbatteries"};
  197. };
  198. };
  199. };
  200. };
  201. #include "../../common/smallvehiclekit.hpp"
  202. };
  203. };