#define COMPONENT main #include "config_swop_macro.cpp" // Imports the config macro that has all of swop pbos. #include "config_macros.hpp" // my config macro lib #include "_cba_patches.hpp" class CfgPatches { class macro_patch_name(main) { author=DANKAUTHORS requiredAddons[]= { //"sci_APC", "A3_Data_F_Enoch_Loadorder",//Load all of arma first cba_patches ,//cba stuff //cancer_pbos ,//all of swop pbos //"212th_Engineer" }; requiredVersion=0.1; units[]={}; weapons[]={}; RD501_patches[]= {macro_root_req,macro_lvl1_req,macro_lvl2_req,macro_lvl3_req,macro_lvl4_req,macro_lvl5_req}; }; }; class cfgFunctions { class concat_function(scripts)//This will be the name of the mods functions,in functionViewer. { tag=ADDON; class concat_function(functions) { class laatc_lift { file=macro_mod_script_path\vehicle_lift\laatc_lift.sqf }; class mtt_deploy_droids { file=macro_mod_script_path\MTT\mtt_deploy_droids.sqf }; }; }; class rd501_scripts//This will be the name of the mods functions,in functionViewer. { tag="RD501"; class rd501_test_fnc { // class test_fnc // { // file = "RD501_Main\functions\test_fnc_midnight.sqf"; // postinit=1; // }; class auto_radio_freq { file = "RD501_Main\functions\auto_radio_freq.sqf"; }; class enable_arf { file = "RD501_Main\functions\auto_radio_freq_enabler.sqf"; };//[player,['35.1','35.2','35.3','35.4','35','36','35.5','42','42'] ]call rd501_fnc_enable_arf }; class the_cleanman { class ya_yeet_man { postInit = 1; file = macro_mod_script_path\add_radio_freq_shower.sqf }; }; }; class GEARF { class vectorFunctions { file="RD501_Main\functions\sling_helmet\Vectors"; class rotateObject { }; }; class helmetFunctions { file="RD501_Main\functions\sling_helmet\Helmet"; class slingHelmet { }; class unslingHelmet { }; class hideSlungHelmet { }; }; }; }; class Extended_Init_EventHandlers { class CAManBase { class RD501_MedNotif { init = call macro_fnc_name(add_med_notification); }; }; }; //Run once at a point in time before all the mission units and vehicles have their own init event handlers processed class Extended_PreInit_EventHandlers { class RD501_PREINIT { init="call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'RD501_Main\XEH_preInit.sqf'"; }; }; //run once and after all the units and vehicles have had both their init event handlers and the code in the mission editor "init" lines processed class Extended_PostInit_EventHandlers { class RD501_POSTINIT { init = "call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'RD501_Main\XEH_postinit.sqf'"; }; }; // class CfgMagazines // { // class CA_Magazine; // class 2Rnd_12Gauge_Pellets:CA_Magazine // { // displayName = "120 Gauge 2Rnd Pellets"; // count = 200; // }; // }; // class CfgAmmo // { // class BulletBase; // class B_12Gauge_Pellets_Submunition:BulletBase // { // //model = "\SWOP_Main\Effects\Tracer\LaserRed"; // model = "\A3\Weapons_f\Data\bullettracer\tracer_red"; // effectFly = "SWOP_BlueLaserEffect"; // CraterEffects = "ExploAmmoLaserCrater"; // explosionEffects = "SWOP_LaserExploSmall"; // triggerTime = .2; // submunitionAmmo = "G_40mm_HEDP";//G_40mm_HEDP // submunitionConeType[] = {"poissondisc", 80}; // submunitionConeAngle = 90.8; // triggerSpeedCoef[] = {0.01, .1}; // }; // class G_40mm_HE; // class G_40mm_HEDP:G_40mm_HE // { // model = "\SWOP_Main\Effects\Tracer\LaserBlue"; // effectFly = "SWOP_BlueLaserEffect"; // timeToLive = 30.15; // }; // class B_12Gauge_Pellets_Submunition_Deploy: BulletBase // { // //model = "\SWOP_Main\Effects\Tracer\LaserRed"; // model = "\A3\Weapons_f\Data\bullettracer\tracer_red"; // effectFly = "SWOP_RedLaserEffect"; // CraterEffects = "ExploAmmoLaserCrater"; // explosionEffects = "SWOP_LaserExploSmall"; // }; // }; // class cfgFactionClasses // { // class RD_Op_Fac // { // displayName="RD501 OPFOR Faction"; // priority=3; // side=0; // }; // class RD_Blu_Fac // { // displayName="RD501 BLUFOR Faction"; // priority= 3; // side=1; // }; // class RD_Ind_Fac // { // displayName="RD501 Independent Faction"; // priority=3; // side= 2; // }; // class RD_Civ_Fac // { // displayName="RD501 Star Wars Civ"; // priority=3; // side= 3; // }; // class RD501_Faction_LPB1 // { // displayName="Low Poly Assets"; // priority=3; // side=0; // }; // }; class cfgFactionClasses { class macro_cis_faction { displayName="RD501 C.I.S Faction"; priority=3; side=0; }; class macro_empire_faction { displayName="RD501 Empire Faction"; priority=3; side=0; }; class macro_first_order_faction { displayName="RD501 First Order Faction"; priority=3; side=0; }; class macro_republic_faction { displayName="RD501 Republic Faction"; priority= 3; side=1; }; class macro_rebel_faction { displayName="RD501 Rebel Faction"; priority= 3; side=1; }; class macro_resistance_faction { displayName="RD501 Resistance Faction"; priority= 3; side=1; }; class macro_ind_faction { displayName="RD501 Independent Faction"; priority=3; side= 2; }; class macro_civ_faction { displayName="RD501 Civillian Faction"; priority=3; side= 3; }; }; class CfgEditorCategories { class RD501_Aux { displayName = "501st Aux Mod"; }; class macro_editor_cat(suppplies) { displayName= "RD501 Supplies" }; class macro_editor_cat(statics) { displayName = "RD501 Static Objects"; }; class macro_editor_cat(Speeders) { displayName = "Speeders"; }; }; class CfgInGameUI { class FLIRModeNames { FLIRModeName[] = { "WHOT",//0 "BHOT", "GHOT",//2 "BHOT", "OHOT",//4 "BHOT", "WHOT",//6 "RAINBOW", "YHOT"//8 }; }; }; class CfgCoreData { textureTIConversionDX11 = "RD501_Main\textures\thermal\custom_thermals.png"; }; class CfgEditorSubcategories { class macro_editor_cat(aqua) { displayName = "Aqua"; }; class macro_editor_cat(car) { displayname = "Cars" }; class macro_editor_cat(CIS_speeders) { displayName = "CIS Speeders"; }; class macro_editor_cat(B2) { displayName = "B2 Variants"; }; class macro_editor_cat(tank) { displayName = "Tanks"; }; class macro_editor_cat(resupply) { displayName= "Resupply" } class macro_editor_cat(IFV) { displayName = "IFV's"; }; class macro_editor_cat(APC) { displayName = "APC's"; }; class macro_editor_cat(AA) { displayName = "Anti Air"; }; class macro_editor_cat(heavy_armored_infantry) { displayName = "Heavy Armored Infantry"; }; class macro_editor_cat(doggo) { displayName = "Doge Squadron"; }; class macro_editor_cat(arty) { displayName = "Artillery"; }; class macro_editor_cat(civ) { displayName = "Star Wars Civillians"; }; class macro_editor_cat(B1) { displayName = "B1 Droids"; }; class macro_editor_cat(Transport) { displayName = "Transports"; }; class macro_editor_cat(B1_lowpoly) { displayName = "Low Poly B1 Droids"; }; class macro_editor_cat(CIS_SpecOps) { displayName = "Special Forces"; }; class macro_editor_cat(CIS_Humans) { displayName = "Humans"; }; class macro_editor_cat(posters) { displayName = "Star Wars Posters"; }; class macro_editor_cat(static_ships) { displayName = "Static Ships"; }; class macro_editor_cat(wall) { displayName = "Shield Walls"; }; class macro_editor_cat(static_msc) { displayName = "Bacta Tanks"; }; class macro_editor_cat(turrets) { displayName = "Turrets"; }; class macro_editor_cat(static_turrets) { displayName = "Static Emplacements"; }; class macro_editor_cat_air(Empire_vtol) { displayName = "Empire Aircraft"; }; class macro_editor_cat_air(First_Order) { displayName = "First Order Aircraft"; }; class macro_editor_cat_air(CIS) { displayName = "CIS Aircraft"; }; class macro_editor_cat_air(CIS_heli) { displayName = "CIS Helicopters"; }; class macro_editor_cat_air(Rebel_vtol) { displayName = "Rebel Aircraft"; }; class macro_editor_cat_air(Rebel_heli) { displayName = "Rebel Helicopters"; }; class macro_editor_cat_air(Republic_heli) { displayName = "Republic Helicopters"; }; class macro_editor_cat_air(Republic_vtol) { displayName = "Republic Aircraft"; }; class macro_editor_cat_air(Resistance) { displayName = "Resistance Aircraft"; }; class macro_editor_cat_air(vtol) { displayName = "Repulsorlift"; }; class macro_editor_cat_air(heli) { displayName = "Starfighter"; }; }; class CfgVehicleClasses { class macro_editor_vehicle_type(Car) { displayName = "Cars" }; class macro_editor_vehicle_type(turrets) { displayName = "turrets"; }; class macro_editor_vehicle_type(speeders) { displayName = "speeeeeders"; }; class macro_editor_vehicle_type_air(Empire) { displayName = "X Empire Aircraft"; }; class macro_editor_vehicle_type_air(First_Order) { displayName = "X First Order Aircraft"; }; class macro_editor_vehicle_type_air(CIS) { displayName = "X CIS Aircraft"; }; class macro_editor_vehicle_type_air(Rebel) { displayName = "X Rebel Aircraft"; }; class macro_editor_vehicle_type_air(Republic) { displayName = "X Republic Aircraft"; }; class macro_editor_vehicle_type_air(Resistance) { displayName = "X Resistance Aircraft"; }; class macro_editor_vehicle_type(tank) { displayName = "Tanks"; }; class macro_editor_vehicle_type(AA) { displayName = "Anti Air"; }; class macro_editor_vehicle_type(doggo) { displayName = "doggie"; }; class macro_editor_vehicle_type(heavy_armored_infantry) { displayName = "Heavy Armored Infantry"; }; class macro_editor_vehicle_type(IFV) { displayName = "IFV"; }; class macro_editor_vehicle_type(APC) { displayName = "APC"; }; class macro_editor_vehicle_type(arty) { displayName = "arty"; }; class macro_editor_vehicle_type(static_turrets) { displayName = "Static Emplacements"; }; class macro_editor_vehicle_type(statics) { displayName = "RD501 Static Walls"; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class LandVehicle; class Car : LandVehicle { class ACE_Actions { class ACE_MainActions { class rd501_flip_vehicle_flip { displayName = "Flip Vehicle"; condition = "[_player] call rd501_fnc_canFlipVehicle"; statement = "[_target] call rd501_fnc_flipVehicle"; exceptions[] = {}; icon = "rd501_main\ui_icons\mynock_flip_ace_icon.paa"; }; }; }; }; class Tank : LandVehicle { class ACE_Actions { class ACE_MainActions { class rd501_flip_vehicle_flip { displayName = "Flip Vehicle"; condition = "[_player] call rd501_fnc_canFlipVehicle"; statement = "[_target] call rd501_fnc_flipVehicle"; exceptions[] = {}; icon = "rd501_main\ui_icons\mynock_flip_ace_icon.paa"; }; }; }; }; class StaticWeapon: LandVehicle { class ACE_Actions { class ACE_MainActions { class rd501_external_reload { displayName = "Reload"; condition = "_this call rd501_fnc_canReloadExternal"; statement = "_this call rd501_fnc_reloadExternal"; exceptions[] = {}; runOnHover = 0; }; }; }; }; class Man; class CAManBase: Man { class ACE_SelfActions { class ACE_Equipment { class slingHelmet { displayName="Sling Helmet"; icon="RD501_Main\ui_icons\helmet_ca.paa"; priority=3; condition="!(_player getVariable ['GEARF_HelmetAttached', false])"; class slingLeft { displayName="Sling Left"; icon="RD501_Main\ui_icons\helmet_ca.paa"; priority=3; condition="!(_player getVariable ['GEARF_HelmetAttached', false])"; statement="[_player, 'left'] call GEARF_fnc_slingHelmet"; }; class slingRight { displayName="Sling Right"; icon="RD501_Main\ui_icons\helmet_ca.paa"; priority=3; condition="!(_player getVariable ['GEARF_HelmetAttached', false])"; statement="[_player, 'right'] call GEARF_fnc_slingHelmet"; }; }; class unslingHelmet { displayName="Unsling Helmet"; icon="RD501_Main\ui_icons\helmet_ca.paa"; priority=3; condition="_player getVariable ['GEARF_HelmetAttached', false]"; statement="[_player] call GEARF_fnc_unslingHelmet"; }; class RD501_Auto_Radio_Freq { displayName = "A.R.F setter"; exceptions[] = {"isNotInside", "isNotSwimming", "isNotSitting"}; condition = "call TFAR_fnc_haveLRRadio"; showDisabled = 0; priority = 2.5; icon = "RD501_Main\ui_icons\arf.paa"; statement = "[_player] call rd501_fnc_auto_radio_freq"; runOnHover = 0; }; }; }; class EventHandlers { init="(_this select 0) setVariable ['GEARF_HelmetAttached', false]; (_this select 0) setVariable ['GEARF_HelmetAttachedClass','']; (_this select 0) setVariable ['GEARF_HelmetAdditionalClass',''];"; killed="(_this select 0) setVariable ['GEARF_HelmetAttached', false]; (_this select 0) setVariable ['GEARF_HelmetAttachedClass','']; (_this select 0) setVariable ['GEARF_HelmetAdditionalClass',''];"; getInMan="[(_this select 0), true] call GEARF_fnc_hideSlungHelmet"; getOutMan="[(_this select 0), false] call GEARF_fnc_hideSlungHelmet;"; }; }; };