//get generlized macros #include "../../../RD501_main/config_macros.hpp" //General name of the vehicle #define vehicle_addon nuclass class CfgPatches { class macro_patch_name(nuclass) { addonRootClass=macro_patch_name(vehicles) requiredAddons[]= { macro_patch_name(vehicles) }; requiredVersion=0.1; units[]= { macro_new_vehicle(nuclass,mk1) }; weapons[]= { }; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class 3as_nuclass_base; class 3as_nuclass_f: 3as_nuclass_base { class ViewPilot; class UserActions; }; class 3AS_Nuclass : 3as_nuclass_f { class ViewPilot: ViewPilot{}; class UserActions: UserActions { class rampOpen; class rampClose; class frontrampOpen; class frontrampClose; }; }; class macro_new_vehicle(nuclass,mk1) : 3AS_Nuclass { scope=2; displayName="Republic NuClass Mk.I" armor=2300; faction = macro_republic_faction editorSubcategory = macro_editor_cat_air(Republic_heli) vehicleClass = macro_editor_vehicle_type_air(Republic) transportSoldier=35; #include "../../common/common_pilotCamera.hpp" RD501_magclamp_large[] = {0.0,1.5,-0.5}; RD501_magclamp_small_forbidden=1; RD501_magclamp_large_offset[]={0.0,0.0,-10.0}; weapons[]= { "ParticleBeamCannon_Nu", "CMFlareLauncher", "missiles_DAR", macro_new_weapon(generic,kannon), "Laserdesignator_pilotCamera" }; magazines[]= { "240Rnd_CMFlare_Chaff_Magazine", "240Rnd_CMFlare_Chaff_Magazine", "240Rnd_CMFlare_Chaff_Magazine", "240Rnd_CMFlare_Chaff_Magazine", "Laser_Battery_F", "Laser_Battery_F", "Laser_Battery_F", "24Rnd_missiles", "24Rnd_missiles", "24Rnd_missiles", "24Rnd_missiles", macro_new_mag(Kannon,100), macro_new_mag(Kannon,100), "Laserbatteries" }; class UserActions:UserActions { class ThrusterEngage { displayName = ""; displayNameDefault = ""; textToolTip = ""; position = "pilotview"; radius = 20; priority = 0; onlyForPlayer = 1; condition = "((player == driver this) AND (alive this))"; statement = "this execVM ""\RD501_Main\functions\impulse\fnc_impulseIncrease.sqf"""; shortcut="User19" }; class ThrusterDisengage: ThrusterEngage { priority = 0; displayName = ""; displayNameDefault = ""; textToolTip = ""; condition = "((player == driver this) AND (alive this))"; statement = "this execVM ""\RD501_Main\functions\impulse\fnc_impulseDecrease.sqf"""; shortcut="User20" }; class rampOpen: rampOpen { condition="(this animationSourcePhase 'ramp' == 0) AND (alive this) AND (player in [gunner this, driver this])"; }; class rampClose: rampClose { condition="(this animationSourcePhase 'ramp' == 1) AND (alive this) AND (player in [gunner this, driver this])"; }; class frontrampOpen: frontrampOpen { condition="(this animationSourcePhase 'rampfront' == 0) AND (alive this) AND (player in [gunner this, driver this])"; }; class frontrampClose: frontrampClose { condition="(this animationSourcePhase 'rampfront' == 1) AND (alive this) AND (player in [gunner this, driver this])"; }; }; class ACE_SelfActions { class ACE_Passengers { condition = "alive _target"; displayName = "Passengers"; insertChildren = "_this call ace_interaction_fnc_addPassengersActions"; statement = ""; }; #include "../../common/universal_hud_color_changer.hpp" }; class ViewPilot: ViewPilot { initAngleX = 0; }; class TransportWeapons { class _transport_dc15a { weapon = macro_new_weapon(DC,15a) count = 5; }; class _transport_dc15s { weapon = macro_new_weapon(DC,r15s) count = 5; }; class _transport_dc15c { weapon = macro_new_weapon(DC,15c) count = 5; }; class _transport_dc15l { weapon = macro_new_weapon(DC,15l) count = 2; }; class _transport_z6 { weapon = macro_new_weapon_nofam(rz6) count = 2; }; class _transport_dc15gl { weapon = macro_new_weapon(DC,15cgl) count = 2; }; class _transport_valken38x { weapon = macro_new_weapon_nofam(valken38x) count = 2; }; class _transport_rps6 { weapon = macro_new_weapon(launcher,rps6) count = 2; }; class _transport_rps1 { weapon = macro_new_weapon(launcher,rps1) count = 2; }; class _transport_rps4 { weapon = macro_new_weapon(launcher,RPS4) count = 2; }; class _transport_plx { weapon = macro_new_weapon(Launcher,PLX1) count = 1; }; class _transport_z1000 { weapon = macro_new_weapon_nofam(z1000) count = 1; }; class _transport_dc15x { weapon = macro_new_weapon(DC,r15x) count = 1; }; class _transport_rgl6 { weapon = macro_new_weapon_nofam(rgl6) count = 1; }; }; class TransportMagazines { class transport_2mw30 { magazine = macro_new_mag(2mw,30); count = 15; }; class transport_5mw15 { magazine = macro_new_mag(5mw,10); count = 15; }; class transport_5mw60 { magazine = macro_new_mag(5mw,60) count = 60; }; class transport_10mw30 { magazine = macro_new_mag(10mw,30); count = 60; }; class transport_10mw400 { magazine = macro_new_mag(10mw,400); count = 15; }; class _transport_20mw20 { magazine = macro_new_mag(20mw,20); count = 20; }; class _transport_20mwup20 { magazine = macro_new_mag(20mwup,20); count = 40; }; class _transport_20mwdp20 { magazine = macro_new_mag(20mwdp,20); count = 40; }; class _transport_20mw240 { magazine = macro_new_mag(20mw,240); count = 20; }; class _transport_30mw10 { magazine = macro_new_mag(30mw,10); count = 15; } class _transport_30mw7 { magazine = macro_new_mag(30mw,7) count = 15; }; class _transport_40mw5 { magazine = macro_new_mag(40mw,5) count = 10; }; class _transport_stun5 { magazine = macro_new_mag(stun,5) count = 20; }; class _transport_launcher_AT_mags { magazine = macro_new_mag(RPS_AT,1) count = 20; }; class _transport_launcher_AA_mags { magazine = macro_new_mag(RPS_AA,1) count = 20; }; class _transport_launcher_RPS4AT_mags { magazine = macro_new_mag(rps4heat,1) count = 20; }; class _transport_launcher_ARPS4HE_mags { magazine = macro_new_mag(rps4he,1) count = 20; }; class _transport_launcher_PLXAT_mags { magazine = "JLTS_PLX1_AT_mag" count = 10; }; class _transport_launcher_PLXAP_mags { magazine = "JLTS_PLX1_AP_mag" count = 10; }; class _transport_he3 { magazine = macro_new_mag(UGL_HE,3); count = 15; }; class _transport_ap2 { magazine = macro_new_mag(UGL_AP,2); count = 15; }; class _transport_emp1 { magazine = macro_new_mag(UGL_EMP,1); count = 3; }; class _transport_HuntIR_M203 { magazine = "ACE_HuntIR_M203"; count = 15; }; class _transport_C12_Remote_Mag { magazine = "C12_Remote_Mag"; count = 2; }; class _transport_RGLHE { magazine = macro_new_mag(UGL_HE,6) count = 10; }; class _transport_RGLAP { magazine = macro_new_mag(UGL_AP,6) count = 10; }; class _transport_RGPEMP { magazine = macro_new_mag(UGL_EMP,6) count = 5; }; class _transport_ShotgunSP { magazine = macro_new_mag(shotgun_scatter,6) count = 20; }; class _transport_ShotgunUO { magazine = macro_new_mag(shotgun_HE,6) count = 20; }; class _transport_ShotgunEMP { magazine = macro_new_mag(shotgun_EMP,2) count = 10; }; class _transport_StaticEweb { magazine = macro_new_mag(eweb,1000) count = 10; }; class _transport_StaticStriker { magazine = macro_new_mag(ragl40he,40) count = 10; }; class _transport_StaticBoomer { magazine = macro_new_mag(aap,4) count = 10; }; class _transport_StaticDriver { magazine = macro_new_mag(mar,1) count = 10; }; }; class TransportItems { class _xx_RD_SquadShield_Mag { name = macro_new_mag(squad_shield_sigma,1) count = 2; }; class _xx_ACE_HuntIR_monitor { name = "ACE_HuntIR_monitor"; count = 1; }; class _xx_ACE_tourniquet { name = "ACE_tourniquet"; count = 15; }; class _xx_ACE_splint { name = "ACE_splint"; count = 15; }; class _xx_ACE_plasmaIV_250 { name = "ACE_plasmaIV_250"; count = 15; }; class _xx_ACE_plasmaIV_500 { name = "ACE_plasmaIV_500"; count = 15; }; class _xx_ACE_plasmaIV { name = "ACE_plasmaIV"; count = 15; }; class _xx_ACE_elasticBandage { name = "ACE_elasticBandage"; count = 80; }; class _xx_ACE_quikclot { name = "ACE_quikclot"; count = 80; }; class _xx_ACE_packingBandage { name = "ACE_packingBandage"; count = 80; }; class _xx_ACE_morphine { name = "ACE_morphine"; count = 30; }; class _xx_ACE_painkiller { name = "RD501_Painkiller"; count = 30; }; class _xx_ACE_epinephrine { name = "ACE_epinephrine"; count = 20; }; class _xx_SmokeShellPurple { name = "SmokeShellPurple"; count = 5; }; }; }; };