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fix not able to magclamp vehicle with players

thefloff 4 jaren geleden
1 gewijzigde bestanden met toevoegingen van 3 en 1 verwijderingen
  1. 3 1
      addons - Copy/RD501_Main/functions/magclamp/magclamp.sqf

+ 3 - 1
addons - Copy/RD501_Main/functions/magclamp/magclamp.sqf

@@ -20,13 +20,15 @@ macro_grp_fnc_name(magclamp,handle_universal) = {
 	    private _is_attached = _target getVariable["RD501_mc_is_attached",false];
 	    private _cant_be_clamped = (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeOf _target) >> _forbid_param) call BIS_fnc_getCfgDataBool;
-	    while {_target isKindOf "Man" || isPlayer _target || _is_attached || _cant_be_clamped} do {
+	    while {_target isKindOf "Man" || _is_attached || _cant_be_clamped} do {
 	        _target_index = _target_index + 1;
 	        _target = _objects select _target_index;
 	        _is_attached = _target getVariable["RD501_mc_is_attached",false];
 	        _cant_be_clamped = (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeOf _target) >> _forbid_param) call BIS_fnc_getCfgDataBool;
+        if (isNull _target) exitWith {};
 	    private _offset = (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeOf _target) >> _offset_param) call BIS_fnc_getCfgDataArray;
 	    if (count _offset == 3) then {
 	        _position = [(_position select 0) + (_offset select 0), (_position select 1) + (_offset select 1), (_position select 2) + (_offset select 2)];