@@ -48,20 +48,6 @@ class CfgPatches
- macro_new_vehicle(laat,Mk3),
- macro_new_vehicle(laat,Mk4),
- macro_new_vehicle(laat,mk4_skin),
- macro_new_vehicle(laat,mk4_501st_cxc),
- macro_new_vehicle(laat,mk4_501st_cxx),
- macro_new_vehicle(laat,mk4_501st_cxp),
- macro_new_vehicle(laat,mk4_501st_cxs),
- macro_new_vehicle(laat,mk4_501st_cx),
- macro_new_vehicle(laat,cargo_Mk2),
- macro_new_vehicle(laat,spec_ops),
- macro_new_vehicle(laat,muunilinst),
- macro_new_vehicle(laat,blue)
@@ -251,237 +237,6 @@ class CfgVehicles
- class macro_new_vehicle(laat,Mk3):swop_LAAT
- {
- scope=2;
- displayName="LAAT/I MK.III";
- author="RD501"
- side=1;
- crew="SWOP_Clonetrooper_P1";
- transportSoldier=24;
- forceInGarage = 1;
- crewExplosionProtection = 0;
- crewCrashProtection = 0;
- slingLoadMemoryPoint = "slingload0";
- #include "ace_stuff.hpp"
- #include "flight_model.hpp"
- #include "common_stuff_swop.hpp"
- RD501_magclamp_small_1[] = {0.0,1.0,-4.5};
- class UserActions
- {
- class ThrusterEngage
- {
- displayName = "";
- displayNameDefault = "";
- textToolTip = "";
- position = "pilotview";
- radius = 20;
- priority = 0;
- onlyForPlayer = 1;
- condition = "((player == driver this) AND (alive this))";
- statement = "this execVM ""\RD501_Main\functions\impulse\fnc_impulseIncrease.sqf""";
- shortcut="User19"
- };
- class ThrusterDisengage: ThrusterEngage
- {
- priority = 0;
- displayName = "";
- displayNameDefault = "";
- textToolTip = "";
- condition = "((player == driver this) AND (alive this))";
- statement = "this execVM ""\RD501_Main\functions\impulse\fnc_impulseDecrease.sqf""";
- shortcut="User20"
- };
- };
- class ACE_SelfActions:ACE_SelfActions
- {
- #include "../../common/universal_hud_color_changer.hpp"
- };
- #include "../../common/helicopter_mfd.hpp"
- class Turrets: Turrets
- {
- class CopilotTurret: CopilotTurret
- {
- #include "common_copilot.hpp"
- };
- class GunnerTurret1:GunnerTurret1
- {
- weapons[]=
- {
- macro_new_weapon(turret,laat_ball_turret),
- "Laserdesignator_pilotCamera"
- };
- magazines[]=
- {
- "Laserbatteries",
- macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),
- macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),
- macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200)
- };
- };
- class GunnerTurret2:GunnerTurret2
- {
- weapons[]=
- {
- macro_new_weapon(turret,laat_ball_turret),
- "Laserdesignator_pilotCamera"
- };
- magazines[]=
- {
- "Laserbatteries",
- macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),
- macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),
- macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200)
- };
- };
- class CargoTurret_01:CargoTurret_01{};
- class CargoTurret_02:CargoTurret_02{};
- class CargoTurret_03:CargoTurret_03{};
- class CargoTurret_04:CargoTurret_04{};
- class CargoTurret_05:CargoTurret_05{};
- class CargoTurret_06:CargoTurret_06{};
- };
- };
- class macro_new_vehicle(laat,Mk4):swop_LAATmk2
- {
- scope=2;
- displayName="LAAT/I MK.IV";
- author="RD501"
- side=1;
- crew="SWOP_Clonetrooper_P1";
- transportSoldier=24;
- forceInGarage = 1;
- crewExplosionProtection = 0;
- crewCrashProtection = 0;
- slingLoadMemoryPoint = "slingLoad0";
- angleRangeHorizontal = 360;
- angleRangeVertical = 360;
- #include "ace_stuff.hpp"
- #include "flight_model.hpp"
- #include "common_stuff_swop.hpp"
- RD501_magclamp_small_1[] = {0.0,-2.0,-2.5};
- class UserActions
- {
- class ThrusterEngage
- {
- displayName = "";
- displayNameDefault = "";
- textToolTip = "";
- position = "pilotview";
- radius = 20;
- priority = 0;
- onlyForPlayer = 1;
- condition = "((player == driver this) AND (alive this))";
- statement = "this execVM ""\RD501_Main\functions\impulse\fnc_impulseIncrease.sqf""";
- shortcut="User19"
- };
- class ThrusterDisengage: ThrusterEngage
- {
- priority = 0;
- displayName = "";
- displayNameDefault = "";
- textToolTip = "";
- condition = "((player == driver this) AND (alive this))";
- statement = "this execVM ""\RD501_Main\functions\impulse\fnc_impulseDecrease.sqf""";
- shortcut="User20"
- };
- class OpenCargoDoor
- {
- displayName = "<t color='#F64747'>[Open Doors]</t>";
- displayNameDefault = "<t color='#F64747'>[Open Doors]</t>";
- textToolTip = "<t color='#F64747'>[Open Doors]</t>";
- position = "pilotview";
- radius = 20;
- priority = 9999;
- onlyForPlayer = 1;
- condition = "this doorPhase ""Doors"" < 0.5 AND (alive this) AND (player in [gunner this, driver this])";
- statement = "this animateDoor ['Doors', 1];this animate ['DoorsHandler',1]";
- animPeriod = 5;
- };
- class CloseCargoDoor: OpenCargoDoor
- {
- displayName = "<t color='#009FD4'>[Close Doors]</t>";
- displayNameDefault = "<t color='#009FD4'>[Close Doors]</t>";
- textToolTip = "<t color='#009FD4'>[Close Doors]</t>";
- priority = 9999;
- condition = "this doorPhase ""Doors"" > 0.5 AND (alive this) AND (player in [gunner this, driver this])";
- statement = "this animateDoor ['Doors', 0];this animate ['DoorsHandler',0];";
- animPeriod = 5;
- };
- };
- class ACE_SelfActions:ACE_SelfActions
- {
- #include "../../common/universal_hud_color_changer.hpp"
- };
- #include "../../common/helicopter_mfd.hpp"
- class Turrets: Turrets
- {
- class CopilotTurret: CopilotTurret
- {
- #include "common_copilot.hpp"
- };
- class GunnerTurret1:GunnerTurret1
- {
- weapons[]=
- {
- macro_new_weapon(turret,laat_ball_turret),
- "Laserdesignator_pilotCamera"
- };
- magazines[]=
- {
- "Laserbatteries",
- macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),
- macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),
- macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200)
- };
- };
- class GunnerTurret2:GunnerTurret2
- {
- weapons[]=
- {
- macro_new_weapon(turret,laat_ball_turret),
- "Laserdesignator_pilotCamera"
- };
- magazines[]=
- {
- "Laserbatteries",
- macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),
- macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),
- macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200),macro_new_mag(laat_ball_turret,200)
- };
- };
- };
- };
- #include "_mk4_reskin.hpp"
class macro_new_vehicle(laat,cargo_Mk2):swop_LAAT_cargo
@@ -614,12 +369,4 @@ class CfgVehicles
- reskined_laat_mk4_full_path(spec_ops,Spec Op,LAAT\textures\gunship_2_d.paa,LAAT\textures\gunship_1_spec.paa)
- reskined_laat_mk4_full_path(muunilinst,Muunilinst,LAAT\textures\gunship_2_arc_d.paa,LAAT\textures\gunship_1_arc_d.paa)
- reskined_laat_mk4_full_path(blue,Blue,LAAT\textures\gunship_2_blue.paa,LAAT\textures\gunship_1_blue.paa)