Browse Source

Expl barrel blue explosion, Super smoke grenade, dioxis and blue shadow, RAMER spare barrel, TI fixes for marksman

Erliens 3 years ago

+ 8 - 7
addons - Copy/RD501_Helmets/aviation/config.cpp

@@ -113,26 +113,27 @@ class CfgWeapons
-	class 212th_Engineer_Helmet_501st;
+	class 3as_Engineer_Helmet;
+	class 212th_Engineer_helm;
-	class macro_new_helmet(warden,501st):212th_Engineer_Helmet_501st
+	class macro_new_helmet(warden,501st):212th_Engineer_helm
 		scopeArsenal = 2;
 		DisplayName="[501st] WRDN HELM (Base)";
-		hiddenSelections[]=
+		/*hiddenSelections[]=
-			"Camo"
-		};
+			"camo"
+		};*/
-		hiddenSelectionsMaterials[] = 
+		/*hiddenSelectionsMaterials[] = 
-        };
+        };*/
 		subItems[] = {"G_B_Diving"};

+ 496 - 1
addons - Copy/RD501_Particle_Effects/config.cpp

@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ class CfgPatches
 	class macro_patch_name(particle_effects)
-		author=DANKAUTHORS;
+		author="RD501";
@@ -19,3 +19,498 @@ class CfgPatches
+class CfgAmmo
+	class Default;
+	class RD501_BlueFuelExplosion: Default
+	{
+		hit=1300;
+		indirectHit=1100;
+		indirectHitRange=10
+		model="";
+		simulation="";
+		cost=1;
+		SoundSetExplosion[]=
+		{
+			"ExplosiveCharge_Exp_SoundSet",
+			"ExplosiveCharge_Tail_SoundSet",
+			"Explosion_Debris_SoundSet"
+		};
+		explosionSoundEffect="DefaultExplosion";
+		soundFly[]=
+		{
+			"",
+			1,
+			1
+		};
+		soundEngine[]=
+		{
+			"",
+			1,
+			4
+		};
+		explosionEffects="RD501_BlueFuelExplosionEffects";
+	};
+class CfgCloudlets
+	class Default;
+	class RD501_BlueFireBallBrightSmall: Default
+	{
+		interval="0.05 * interval + 0.05";
+		circleRadius=0;
+		circleVelocity[]={0,0,0};
+		particleShape="\RD501_Particle_Effects\particle_effects\universal_blue";
+		particleFSNtieth=16;
+		particleFSIndex=0;
+		particleFSFrameCount=32;
+		particleFSLoop=0;
+		angleVar=360;
+		animationName="";
+		particleType="Billboard";
+		timerPeriod=1;
+		lifeTime=0.80000001;
+		moveVelocity[]={0,0.5,0};
+		rotationVelocity=0;
+		weight=0.039999999;
+		volume=0.039999999;
+		rubbing=0.1;
+		size[]=
+		{
+			"0.0125 * intensity + 2",
+			"0.0125 * intensity + 6"
+		};
+		color[]=
+		{
+			{1,1,1,-4},
+			{1,1,1,-3},
+			{1,1,1,-2},
+			{1,1,1,-1},
+			{1,1,1,0}
+		};
+		animationSpeed[]={0.5};
+		randomDirectionPeriod=0.2;
+		randomDirectionIntensity=0.2;
+		onTimerScript="";
+		beforeDestroyScript="";
+		lifeTimeVar=0.5;
+		positionVar[]={0.60000002,1,0.60000002};
+		MoveVelocityVar[]={1,1,1};
+		rotationVelocityVar=0;
+		sizeVar=0.2;
+		colorVar[]={0,0,0,2};
+		randomDirectionPeriodVar=0;
+		randomDirectionIntensityVar=0;
+	};
+	class RD501_SuperSmoke: Default
+	{
+		animationSpeedCoef=1;
+		colorCoef[]=
+		{
+			"colorR",
+			"colorG",
+			"colorB",
+			"colorA"
+		};
+		sizeCoef=1;
+		position[]={0,0,0};
+		interval=0.029999999;
+		circleRadius=0;
+		circleVelocity[]={0,0,0};
+		particleShape="\A3\data_f\ParticleEffects\Universal\Universal";
+		particleFSNtieth=16;
+		particleFSIndex=7;
+		particleFSFrameCount=48;
+		particleFSLoop=1;
+		angleVar=0.1;
+		animationName="";
+		particleType="Billboard";
+		timerPeriod=1;
+		lifeTime=20;
+		moveVelocity[]={0.2,0.1,0.4};
+		rotationVelocity=1;
+		weight=1.227;
+		volume=1;
+		rubbing=0.025;
+		size[]={0.5, 8, 12, 15};
+		color[]=
+		{
+			{1, 1, 1, 0.7},
+			{1, 1, 1, 0.5},
+			{1, 1, 1, 0.25},
+			{1, 1, 1, 0}
+		};
+		animationSpeed[]={1.5,0.5};
+		randomDirectionPeriod=1;
+		randomDirectionIntensity=0.04;
+		onTimerScript="";
+		beforeDestroyScript="";
+		destroyOnWaterSurface=1;
+		destroyOnWaterSurfaceOffset=-0.60000002;
+		lifeTimeVar=2;
+		positionVar[]={0,0,0};
+		MoveVelocityVar[]={0.25,0.25,0.25};
+		rotationVelocityVar=20;
+		sizeVar=0.5;
+		colorVar[]={0,0,0,0.34999999};
+		randomDirectionPeriodVar=0;
+		randomDirectionIntensityVar=0;
+	};
+	class RD501_Dioxis:RD501_SuperSmoke
+	{
+		moveVelocity[]={0.2,0.1,0.1};
+		size[]={0.4, 3, 9};
+		damageType="Fire";					// damage type, only available option is "Fire" so far
+		coreIntensity = 5;			    	// damage coeficient in the center of fire
+		coreDistance = 5.0;					// how far can unit get damage
+		damageTime = 0.1;					// how often is unit getting damage 
+	}
+	class RD501_BlueVehExplosionParticlesSmall: Default
+	{
+		interval="0.03 * interval + 0.03";
+		circleRadius=0;
+		circleVelocity[]={0,0,0};
+		particleShape="\RD501_Particle_Effects\particle_effects\universal_blue";
+		particleFSNtieth=16;
+		particleFSIndex=2;
+		particleFSFrameCount=80;
+		particleFSLoop=0;
+		angleVar=360;
+		animationName="";
+		particleType="Billboard";
+		timerPeriod=1;
+		lifeTime=0.25;
+		moveVelocity[]={0,4,0};
+		rotationVelocity=0;
+		weight=0.056000002;
+		volume=0.039999999;
+		rubbing=0.1;
+		size[]={3,4.5};
+		color[]=
+		{
+			{1,1,1,-4},
+			{1,1,1,-3},
+			{1,1,1,-2},
+			{1,1,1,-1},
+			{1,1,1,0}
+		};
+		animationSpeed[]={0.33000001};
+		randomDirectionPeriod=0.5;
+		randomDirectionIntensity=0.1;
+		onTimerScript="";
+		beforeDestroyScript="";
+		lifeTimeVar=0;
+		positionVar[]={2,1,2};
+		MoveVelocityVar[]={3,3,3};
+		rotationVelocityVar=25;
+		sizeVar=0.2;
+		colorVar[]={0,0,0,2};
+		randomDirectionPeriodVar=0;
+		randomDirectionIntensityVar=0;
+	};
+	class RD501_BlueExploLight
+	{
+		name="$STR_A3_CfgLights_ExploLight0";
+		diffuse[]={0.031,0.573,0.816};
+		color[]={0.031,0.573,0.816};
+		ambient[]={0,0,0,0};
+		brightness=200;
+		size=1;
+		intensity=100000;
+		drawLight=0;
+		blinking=0;
+		class Attenuation
+		{
+			start=4;
+			constant=0;
+			linear=0;
+			quadratic=0.2;
+			hardLimitStart=1000;
+			hardLimitEnd=2000;
+		};
+		position[]={0,4.5,0};
+	};
+	class RD501_BlueObjectDestructionFire1Small: Default
+	{
+		interval=0.0099999998;
+		circleRadius=0;
+		circleVelocity[]={0,0,0};
+		particleFSNtieth=16;
+		particleFSIndex=10;
+		particleFSFrameCount=32;
+		particleFSLoop=1;
+		angleVar=0.1;
+		particleShape="\RD501_Particle_Effects\particle_effects\universal_blue";
+		animationName="";
+		particleType="Billboard";
+		timerPeriod=1;
+		lifeTime=1.5;
+		moveVelocity[]={0,1,0};
+		rotationVelocity=0;
+		weight=0.045000002;
+		volume=0.039999999;
+		rubbing=0.050000001;
+		size[]=
+		{
+			"1.2 * intensity + 1",
+			"0.1 * intensity + 0.2"
+		};
+		color[]=
+		{
+			{1,1,1,-1}
+		};
+		animationSpeed[]={0.5,1};
+		randomDirectionPeriod=0;
+		randomDirectionIntensity=0;
+		onTimerScript="";
+		beforeDestroyScript="";
+		lifeTimeVar=0.40000001;
+		positionVar[]={0.1,0.30000001,0.1};
+		moveVelocityVar[]={0.1,0.5,0.1};
+		rotationVelocityVar=10;
+		sizeVar=0.5;
+		colorVar[]={0.1,0.1,0.1,0};
+		randomDirectionPeriodVar=0;
+		randomDirectionIntensityVar=0;
+		coreIntensity=1.25;
+		coreDistance=1;
+		damageTime=0.1;
+		constantDistance=1;
+		damageType="Fire";
+	};
+class RD501_BlueFuelExplosionEffects
+	class ExpSparks
+	{
+		simulation="particles";
+		type="ExpSparks";
+		position[]={0,0,0};
+		intensity=1;
+		interval=1;
+		lifeTime=0.5;
+	};
+	class Shards
+	{
+		simulation="particles";
+		type="ObjectDestructionShardsSmall";
+		position="";
+		intensity=1;
+		interval=1;
+		lifeTime=1;
+	};
+	class Shards1
+	{
+		simulation="particles";
+		type="ObjectDestructionShardsSmall1";
+		position="";
+		intensity=1;
+		interval=1;
+		lifeTime=1;
+	};
+	class Shards2
+	{
+		simulation="particles";
+		type="ObjectDestructionShardsSmall2";
+		position="";
+		intensity=1;
+		interval=1;
+		lifeTime=1;
+	};
+	class Shards3
+	{
+		simulation="particles";
+		type="ObjectDestructionShardsSmall3";
+		position="";
+		intensity=1;
+		interval=1;
+		lifeTime=1;
+	};
+	class ShardsBurn
+	{
+		simulation="particles";
+		type="ObjectDestructionShardsBurningSmall";
+		position="";
+		intensity=1;
+		interval=1;
+		lifeTime=1;
+	};
+	class ShardsBurn1
+	{
+		simulation="particles";
+		type="ObjectDestructionShardsBurningSmall1";
+		position="";
+		intensity=1;
+		interval=1;
+		lifeTime=1;
+	};
+	class ShardsBurn2
+	{
+		simulation="particles";
+		type="ObjectDestructionShardsBurningSmall2";
+		position="";
+		intensity=1;
+		interval=1;
+		lifeTime=1;
+	};
+	class ShardsBurn3
+	{
+		simulation="particles";
+		type="ObjectDestructionShardsBurningSmall3";
+		position="";
+		intensity=1;
+		interval=1;
+		lifeTime=1;
+	};
+	class Shards2_0
+	{
+		simulation="particles";
+		type="ObjectDestructionShards";
+		position="";
+		intensity=1;
+		interval=1;
+		lifeTime=1;
+	};
+	class Shards2_1
+	{
+		simulation="particles";
+		type="ObjectDestructionShards1";
+		position="";
+		intensity=1;
+		interval=1;
+		lifeTime=1;
+	};
+	class Shards2_2
+	{
+		simulation="particles";
+		type="ObjectDestructionShards2";
+		position="";
+		intensity=1;
+		interval=1;
+		lifeTime=1;
+	};
+	class Shards2_3
+	{
+		simulation="particles";
+		type="ObjectDestructionShards3";
+		position="";
+		intensity=1;
+		interval=1;
+		lifeTime=1;
+	};
+	class LightExp
+	{
+		simulation="light";
+		type="RD501_BlueExploLight";
+		position[]={0,1.5,0};
+		intensity=0.001;
+		interval=1;
+		lifeTime=0.5;
+	};
+	class Explosion1
+	{
+		simulation="particles";
+		type="RD501_BlueVehExplosionParticlesSmall";
+		position[]={0,0,0};
+		intensity=1;
+		interval=1;
+		lifeTime=0.2;
+	};
+	class Explosion2
+	{
+		simulation="particles";
+		type="RD501_BlueFireBallBrightSmall";
+		position[]={0,0,0};
+		intensity=1;
+		interval=1;
+		lifeTime=0.30000001;
+	};
+	class Smoke1
+	{
+		simulation="particles";
+		type="VehExpSmokeSmall";
+		position[]={0,0,0};
+		intensity=1;
+		interval=1;
+		lifeTime=1;
+	};
+	class SmallSmoke1
+	{
+		simulation="particles";
+		type="VehExpSmoke2Small";
+		position[]={0,0,0};
+		intensity=1;
+		interval=1;
+		lifeTime=1;
+	};
+class RD501_ThickSmokeShellWhiteEffect
+	class SmokeShell
+	{
+		simulation="particles";
+		type="RD501_SuperSmoke";
+		position[]={0,0,0};
+		intensity=1;
+		interval=1;
+	};
+	/*class SmokeShell2
+	{
+		simulation="particles";
+		type="SmokeShellWhite2";
+		position[]={0,0,0};
+		intensity=1;
+		interval=1;
+	};
+	class SmokeShellUW
+	{
+		simulation="particles";
+		type="SmokeShellWhiteUW";
+		position[]={0,0,0};
+		intensity=1;
+		interval=1;
+	};
+	class SmokeShell2UW
+	{
+		simulation="particles";
+		type="SmokeShellWhite2UW";
+		position[]={0,0,0};
+		intensity=1;
+		interval=1;
+	};*/
+class RD501_DioxisSmokeShellEffect
+	class SmokeShell
+	{
+		simulation="particles";
+		type="RD501_Dioxis";
+		position[]={0,0,0};
+		intensity=1;
+		interval=1;
+	};
+	/*class SmokeShell2
+	{
+		simulation="particles";
+		type="SmokeShellWhite2";
+		position[]={0,0,0};
+		intensity=1;
+		interval=1;
+	};
+	class SmokeShellUW
+	{
+		simulation="particles";
+		type="SmokeShellWhiteUW";
+		position[]={0,0,0};
+		intensity=1;
+		interval=1;
+	};
+	class SmokeShell2UW
+	{
+		simulation="particles";
+		type="SmokeShellWhite2UW";
+		position[]={0,0,0};
+		intensity=1;
+		interval=1;
+	};*/

addons - Copy/RD501_Particle_Effects/particle_effects/universal_blue.p3d

addons - Copy/RD501_Particle_Effects/particle_effects/universal_blue_ca.paa

+ 5 - 5
addons - Copy/RD501_Vehicles/static/Explosives/config.cpp

@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ class CfgVehicles
 		ace_dragging_canDrag = 1;
 		destrType = "DestructBuilding";
-		explosionEffect="FuelExplosionBig";
+		explosionEffect="RD501_BlueFuelExplosion";
 		class ACE_Actions {
             class ACE_MainActions {
                 displayName = "Interact";
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ class CfgVehicles
 		class DestructionEffects
-			class Smoke1
+			/*class Smoke1
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ class CfgVehicles
-			class Smoke2
+			/*class Smoke2
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ class CfgVehicles
-			};
+			};*/
 			class Fire1
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ class CfgVehicles
-				type="ObjectDestructionFire1Small";
+				type="RD501_BlueObjectDestructionFire1Small";
 			class HouseDestr

addons - Copy/RD501_Vehicles/static/Explosives/data/barrel_co.paa

+ 11 - 41
addons - Copy/RD501_Weapons/Grenades/config.cpp

@@ -51,44 +51,6 @@ class Shadow_Smoke
 		lifeTime = 25;
-class CfgAmmo
-	class SmokeShell;
-	class SWOP_SCAR_Dioxis;
-	class GrenadeHand_stone;
-	class RD501_ShadowMag: SWOP_SCAR_Dioxis
-	{
-		model = "\thermalD\Dioxis.p3d";
-		hit = 4;
-		class NVGMarkers
-		{
-			class Blinking1;
-			class Blinking2;
-		};
-		smokeColor[] = {0.2125,0.6258,0.48909998,1};
-		effectsSmoke = "Shadow_Smoke";
-	};
-class CfgMagazines
-	class SmokeShell;
-	class EGLM;
-	class RD501_BlueShadow_Grenade: SmokeShell
-	{
-		model = "\thermalD\Dioxis.p3d";
-		displayName = "1Rnd Blue Shadow Grenade";
-		picture = "\thermalD\dioxisgp_x_ca.paa";
-		displayNameShort = "Blue Shadow Grenade";
-		descriptionShort = "Blue Shadow Grenade";
-		ammo = "RD501_ShadowMag";
-		mass = 3;
-		class Library
-		{
-			libTextDesc = "";
-		};
-	};
 class CfgWeapons
 	class Default;
@@ -98,14 +60,14 @@ class CfgWeapons
 	class Throw: GrenadeLauncher
-		muzzles[] += {"Shadow_Muzzle","Imploder_Muzzle","Thermaldet_Muzzle","Squad_Shield_Muzzle","Squad_Shield_Trench_Muzzle","Personal_Shield_Muzzle", "Throwable_C_Type_Muzzle"};
+		muzzles[] += {"Shadow_Muzzle","Imploder_Muzzle","Thermaldet_Muzzle","Squad_Shield_Muzzle","Squad_Shield_Trench_Muzzle","Personal_Shield_Muzzle", "Throwable_C_Type_Muzzle","SuperSmoke_Muzzle","Dioxis_Muzzle"};
 		class Shadow_Muzzle: ThrowMuzzle
-			magazines[] = {"RD501_BlueShadow_Grenade"};
+			magazines[] = {macro_new_mag(blueshadow,1)};
 		class Imploder_Muzzle: ThrowMuzzle
-			magazines[] = {,macro_new_mag(imploder,1)};
+			magazines[] = {macro_new_mag(imploder,1)};
 		class Thermaldet_Muzzle: ThrowMuzzle
@@ -127,5 +89,13 @@ class CfgWeapons
 			magazines[] = {macro_new_mag(throwable_c_type,1)};
+		class SuperSmoke_Muzzle: ThrowMuzzle
+		{
+			magazines[] = {macro_new_mag(super_smoke,1)};
+		};
+		class Dioxis_Muzzle: ThrowMuzzle
+		{
+			magazines[] = {macro_new_mag(dioxis,1)};
+		};

+ 1 - 1
addons - Copy/RD501_Weapons/RAMER/config.cpp

@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ class cfgWeapons
 		displayname="Republic T21 R.A.M.E.R."
 		ACE_Overheating_mrbs = 300000;
+		ace_overheating_allowSwapBarrel = 1;

+ 3 - 3
addons - Copy/RD501_Weapons/_acc/config.cpp

@@ -584,7 +584,7 @@ class RD501_DMS_TI: optic_DMS
-	class RD501_DMS_2_TI: RD501_DMS
+	class RD501_DMS_2_TI: RD501_DMS_TI
@@ -594,7 +594,7 @@ class RD501_DMS_TI: optic_DMS
-	class RD501_DMS_3_TI: RD501_DMS
+	class RD501_DMS_3_TI: RD501_DMS_TI
@@ -604,7 +604,7 @@ class RD501_DMS_TI: optic_DMS
-	class RD501_DMS_4_TI: RD501_DMS
+	class RD501_DMS_4_TI: RD501_DMS_TI

+ 16 - 1
addons - Copy/RD501_Weapons/_ammo/config.cpp

@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ class CfgAmmo
 	class B_12Gauge_Pellets_Submunition;
 	class B_12Gauge_Pellets_Submunition_Deploy;
 	class FlareBase;
+	class SmokeShell;
 	class JLTS_bullet_stun;
 	class macro_new_ammo(surrender_stun): JLTS_bullet_stun
@@ -331,7 +332,21 @@ class CfgAmmo
         rd501_fired_deployable_personal_offset[] = {0.1, 0.9, 0.4};
         rd501_fired_deployable_personal_bone = "pelvis";
-	}
+	};
+	class macro_new_ammo(super_smoke) : SmokeShell
+	{
+		effectsSmoke="RD501_ThickSmokeShellWhiteEffect";
+	};
+	class macro_new_ammo(dioxis) : SmokeShell
+	{
+		effectsSmoke="RD501_DioxisSmokeShellEffect";
+		smokeColor[]={0.21250001,0.75580001,0.35909998,1};
+	};
+	class macro_new_ammo(blueshadow) : SmokeShell
+	{
+		effectsSmoke="RD501_DioxisSmokeShellEffect";
+		smokeColor[] = {0.2125,0.3,0.8,1};
+	};

+ 28 - 1
addons - Copy/RD501_Weapons/_mag/config.cpp

@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ class CfgMagazines
 	class 3AS_ThermalDetonator;
 	class 3AS_BaridumCore;
 	class 2Rnd_12Gauge_Pellets;
+	class SmokeShell;
 	/////////////Rifle/Pistol Magazines/////////////////
@@ -392,7 +393,33 @@ class CfgMagazines
 		descriptionShort = "Personal Shield";
+	class macro_new_mag(super_smoke,1):SmokeShell
+	{
+		author="RD501"
+		scope=2;
+		displayName = "Republic J00-L VapeNation"
+		displayNameShort = "VapeNation"
+		count=1;
+		ammo=macro_new_ammo(super_smoke)
+	};
+	class macro_new_mag(dioxis,1):SmokeShell
+	{
+		author="RD501"
+		scope=2;
+		displayName = "Dioxis Grenade"
+		displayNameShort = "Dioxis"
+		count=1;
+		ammo=macro_new_ammo(dioxis)
+	};
+	class macro_new_mag(blueshadow,1):SmokeShell
+	{
+		author="RD501"
+		scope=2;
+		displayName = "Blue Shadow Grenade"
+		displayNameShort = "Blue Shadow"
+		count=1;
+		ammo=macro_new_ammo(blueshadow)
+	};
 	/////////////Missile  Magazines/////////////////////