751 B

Mynock Uniform Textures

Naming Convention


  • MOS ($mos_) if any, blank if none.

    • rto
    • medic
  • Rank ($rank), senior ranks are created by adding s to front of rank.

    • cadet
    • trooper
    • strooper
    • vtrooper
    • corporal
    • scorporal
    • sergeant
    • ssergeant
  • Type ($type) texture type.

    • upper
    • lower
  • mynock suffix is required.


  • mynock_rto_cadet_upper.paa is a cadet ranked RTO (CI-C)'s upper body armour texture.
  • mynock_medic_scorporal_lower.paa is a senior corporal medic (CI-P) lower body armour texture.
  • mynock_trooper_lower.paa is a trooper (CT) lower body texture.


  • Duplicate textures are present especially in the lower body texutres.